Feeling Invisible.

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Feeling invisible is the worst.

You think no one wants to speak to you, like no one could see you.

It's bad...

My friends and I  (irl at school) used to be very close.

Now, what happened?

One of my best friends literally never talks to me and I feel like she hates me.

I feel like she talks about me behind my back.

I talked to one of my other friends about it and she says she's not mad at me, and she realizes that we're not close anymore.

Me and my other friend used to be really close, then we drifted apart. Then for her birthday, I got her a MCR bow (my chemical romance.) and we were close again.

Then one little break screws that up.

I can't wait for summer.

I am super glad that I have two close friends on here 😊 (if you two read this, you know who I'm talking about 😁)

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