three ; jeremy

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he yells at you.

You stand there for quite a little bit of time before pushing yourself to knock. Waiting quietly for someone to open the door, once it opens it reveals your boyfriends sister, Elena Gilbert. She smiles politely, "Ah, Y/n, you just missed Jeremy, he went out and I don't know when he'll be back" You nod and shoot her a smile, "Thanks Elena, tell him I stopped by" I say as I do a little wave and start walking back towards where I came from, my home.

I open the door to my house, grabbing my keys out of the key hole and setting them down, taking off my boots and hanging up my jacket. I go upstairs, walk into my bedroom and basically jump into bed. You close your eyes for a bit until you hear a knock on the door downstairs, you do a little grown before getting up and going down to answer it. You opened it, being greeted by your boyfriend of 2 years, Jeremy Gilbert. Stepping out of his way to let him in before giving him a peck on the lips.

You sat on the couch as did Jeremy, you held a pillow and looked at him as you felt something was off but you didn't want to push it. "So how was your day?" You say, quietly but loud enough for him to hear you. He looks at you, shakes his head a little, "my day? Y/n, you want to hear about my day? well my day was very great, thanks for asking" he replies, the sarcasm very clear in his voice. "Sorry for asking" You quietly say to yourself as you rub your arms before getting up to get a water bottle.

"Jeremy, you want some water?" You yell from the kitchen but earning a very sudden no. You sit back down and look back at Jeremy again, "Jer, what's wrong? Did something happen today?" You break the silence between you both, he looks at you before looking down. "No, Y/n, I'm fine" he replies very bluntly, "You just seem very-" you start to reply but get cut off midway by a very mad Jeremy. "Y/n, I told you I am fine! F I N E, FINE!" he yells before getting up and leaving, slamming the door behind him.

After he left, you didn't know what to do, you felt so sad because all you wanted to do was ask a question and he got so mad about it. You questioned if you were the one who did something wrong to make him so furious, to make him yell at you. You were laying in bed with your thoughts basically eating you alive until you heard a knock from downstairs but you didn't want to get it. Your phone started to go off, ringing and buzzing so you picked it up to be greeted by a very, sorry Jeremy. "Y/n? Answer the door, please" He begged, as you didn't know what to do, your instincts pushed you to open it. Getting up from bed in your pjs and messy bun, going downstairs to open the door for your boyfriend.

He looked at you with very sad eyes, "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into to me, I've just had a very rough day and I didn't mean to take it out on you" He says, looking at you. "I figured something was bothering you, but I was so confused on what I did so wrong for you to yell at me" I replied back, looking down. He pulls you in for a hug, "I'm sorry" he says, nuzzling his head into your neck. You hug back before bringing him to your room, "let's go cuddle and sleep, I was about to sleep until I heard knocking then my
phone decided to go off right after" you say as he chuckles, following right behind you.

So another imagine done, yay! Enjoy, still a lot to go!

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