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(Y/N)'s Pov

I was sitting on my bed, browsing through Instagram. It was Summer. The fourth day of Summer. And I have already been bored. Each and every day. There's just nothing to do.

All my friends are on Vacation, I was invited but my parents said no. It sucked because they were going to Sydney Australia. And I love that place.

"(Y/N)!! Come down stairs please!"

"Yes mother!"

I walked out of my room and up the stairs. I walked into the living room to see my farther and mother standing by the couch.

"(Y/N). Can we talk to you?" I nodded. "Please sit down." I obeyed my farther and took a seat on the couch.

"(Y/N) you've been having a lot of attitude lately. And you just barley passed Grade 11. And for the past four days you've been in your room, doing nothing and sitting on your ass all day! We came up with a solution. This summer you get a job to get you out of the house and INTERACT with people. If you don't you are getting thrown out of the house!"

"I don't want a job at the moment. Maybe soon but jot right no-"

"Then get out!"


I ran down to my room and pulled out my duffle bag. I threw my clothes in there along with a few other things. Like things I need, money, hair supplies, phone charger and headphones.

I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked to the door, slipping on my shoes. "Bye!" I yelled as I walked out the door and slammed it shut. Where do I go?

I took a seat on the park bench. There's only one person to call. My brother..

I pulled out my phone and dialed him.

Hey Danny, it's (Y/N).
Hey. What's up?
I was wondering if you could do me a HUGE favor?
Sure. What is it?
Could I come stay with you until I find somewhere else to live?
Yeah. Where are you?
The Park.
I'll be right there.

I hung up my phone and waited for Danny. He was there in less then five minutes. I smiled and hopped in.

"So what happened?" I explained everything that happened and he nodded."(Y/N) don't take in personally. They're under a lot of stress and it's better off if you just live wtih me at the moment."

I smiled. "Thanks Danny."

Danny pulled up into his driveway and parked the car. I put my duffle bag over my shoulder and followed him into the house. He brought me to the guest room.

"Make yourself a home."

I nodded and he left. I walked over to the dresser and unpacked my clothes. I placed my hair supplies in the bathroom and put my wallet and phone charger on the night stand. I'll get the rest of my stuff later tonight.

I walked over and took a seat on the bed. I pulled up Instagram quickly and the first post I saw was my brothers band. It was a picture of them and the caption read We can't wait to meet all you guys! Can't believe tour starts in two three days!


I looked up at the door and nodded at Danny. "Yes?"

"So since mom and dad kicked you out and me and my band are going on tour, do you wanna come? It would be lonely and boring as fuck if you stay here by yourself."

"I'd love to! But are Ben and all the guys okay with it?"

He nodded. "Yup. It was there idea."

I smiled. "Okay. I'll start to decide what I'll bring or not."


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