✅Chapter 9; The model and the Prince

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I don't own any Characters in the story. All rights given to their rightful owners.


Date Updated: 05-06-16
Time Updated: 1:11 PM


Author's Note;

Hey there my little chocos😘😘 It's been a long time since I updated Noh?

I apologize for that. Sorry. I already finished this chapter a long time ago as you can see above.

Okay, if anyone of you asks 'why the heck did you not publish it if you already finished the damn chapter?!'

Well two reason's;

1. I am stuck at making chapter 11.

2. Before I actually published the first chapter of this book, I was still not sure if I can finish this so I thought why am I making this book if I couldn't even finish this?! Then I made a plan in which I will only update if I already have 2 or 3 chapters that are ahead of this finish. And yeah well I couldn't finish chapter 11

I hope you understand. Especially to those who are also writing books. It's quite hard right?

Anyways, to make it up to all of you Chocos. I made you a long chapter,with 1645 words not including the Authors Note or other things not related to the story

That's all!! You can read the story now! Peace out Yo!



Normal POV

"Are you sure you're fine being alone?" (Y/N) asks the purple haired, amythist eyed demon as she stands at Urushihara's room

(Y/N) was preparing to go to work and was worried for the demon being alone

"Yes... I can play games so I won't be bored" lazily reassured the Urushihara while lying on his bed

"But I could always let you accompany me on my work" She advices

"Nah.. I'm fine here" Urushihara answers

The female sighs in defeat

"Okay.. just call me if they're any problems"

The demon can't help but thought of how worried and caring she is to him. It was an unusual thing for him

No one was ever nice to him. Even when he had lived at Maou's place. They treated him nothing but a burden. It was only when they had met (Y/N) that they had become a little bit nice to him

"Uru-kun, I'm leaving now!" (Y/N) says

"Okay, bye! Love you!"

They both stop at what Urushihara had said

"What?" (Y/N) asks completely shock and confused

Urushihara who was in the combination of shock, confused and flustered was speechless

"I mean uh.... uhhh.. I love you as a friend... that's it" He lamely excused

"Oh.. okay..." (Y/N) says disappointingly as she leaves

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