Chapter 1 - Not your average boy

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Remember kid, "It doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what politicians or the mob say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides something wrong is something right, and it's.......

*Toot toot (alarm clock)

Huh? What? Oh just a dream, a very strange one to be exact


But what does he mean? Is it something that should worry me? or even apply on my life? and he didn't even finish what he's saying, either if he's advising me or warning me of something that will happen maybe in the present or even in the future.

{Wow kid you're really something, a dream like that wouldn't probably affect me at all haha~author's voice}

[Thanks, I guess... wait what??? who's talking to me???]

{(very low voice) this is a your great great grandfather! woooh, just joking just call me by the name "Author". And I'm the very handsome voice stuck inside your head. Are you okay with this?}

[Well... If you don't bug me or keep talking to me all the time I guess it would be okay cause' some people may think I'm a loon(lunatic) which I'm well aware of haha. By the way I don't know about the handsome part of you being stuck in my head hahaha, the name's Jacob Peter Maximoff... my friends call me Jake]

{Well nice to meet you Jake! hey what time is it?}

*Time Check

[Wait a sec...]

*6:00 AM

{Okay tnx...}

[Sorry "Author" I got to go now, talk to you later. Need to shower cause' school starts at 8]

{Okay I'll bother you later haha}

I still got 15 minutes to browse my account after I shower first, cause' boy I smell today

So I went to our bathroom, turn on the faucet and set the temperature cold. The fact that taking cold showers are better for your hair and skin, did some research on that haha

{Who are you talking to?}

[Probably not you]




-few minutes later....

*Zzzzzz(phone ringing)

Speaker mode...

{Speaker mode?}

*voice recognition identified.... line secure... speaker mode on

{I wish I had a phone like that}

"Hello? Jake are you there?"

[Well you don't cause' your a voice stuck in my head]

*opens the curtains

{Good point kid}

[Is that Amy?]

*walks toward his phone

{Who's Amy}

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