Underground base

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Author's note: Thank you for all the comments and votes.


*Bright light fades

*limo stops

*Jake exits the car

{Who's that?}

[My dad]

*Jake's dad walks towards him

{I suppose he's your dad cause' of the lab coat and name tag}

[I just said it earlier you know -_-]

*Maximoff J.

[James, my dad's name is James  Demington Maximoff]

"Glad you came son"

{James, huh...}

[Problem with that]

"Glad to be here again, so why did you call me on an urgent  notice?"

{No of course}

[Then what's your problem with my dad's name?]

"As you can see our NTC is a little bit low on workers here so I.."

{Nothing I just noticed earlier you and your dad have both the letter "J" in your first name}


"So you wanted me to recruit more?"

{And you know what you both have the same..}

[Just be quite if you don't have anything useful to say]

"Not exactly... come with me I want to show you something, oh and Fred thank you for accompanying my son to go here"

*James walks toward Fred

"No problem Sir James, It's my Job"

*Shakes hand, smiles

"Lets go Jake"


"So how are you and Amy?"

{Am I the only one who's not oriented with your relationship with your so called "Girl 'Best'friend?"}


"We're  good"

{Are you serious?}

[If it helps or anything, I won't tell the whole staff about it]

"Anything exciting happening later?"

{Very funny romeo -_- }

[Well don't feel so bad]

"Yeah there is"

{There is?}

"So your finally going to ask her out?"

{Ask her out?}

"Dad!, I ask her "out" all the time.. for a coffee, lunch, movies etc"

{All the time huh?}

"But this time it's going to be different isn't it?"

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