My love?

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My love,

We used to be so close,

My love,

What's happened?

We used to sit and talk,
And eat,
And draw,
And sing,
And dance,

And laugh.

My love,

We used to be so close,

My love,

What's happened?

When did we burn out?
When were you not enough for me?

And my love,

When was I not enough for you?

Where did it all go so wrong?

We talked,
We danced,
We sang,
We laughed,
And then we fought,

Harsh words,
Sharp cuts,
Deep wounds,

My love,

We used to be so close,

My love,

What's happened?

I ask what's wrong,

You turn away,

You say that word





If nothing is wrong?

Then why do your lips turn down?

Why does your head face the ground?

Why is it that you fall into a coma of silence when I come near?

And my love?

If nothing is wrong,

Why is everything so broken?

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