Chapter One

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"Ellie, are you ready love?" My Dad asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"I think so Dad." I looked in the mirror checking my reflection staring back at me. I, Ellie Maria Saunders, was soon to be Ellie (or if we were going to use my full name - Eleanor) Maria Hollins. Oliver Marcus Hollins was my soon to be husband.  We met at University of Bristol with him studying Law and me, medicine.  We met on a night in the Student Union bar.  Him a tiny little bit older than me at 27 but safe to say you could say it was love at first sight and things got way too serious too soon but I was head over heels in love. None of this puppy love crap that lasts only for a semester. Sometimes I don't know what made Oli pick me over any other girl on the course or even around the campus but I shouldn't complain.

"Come on Baby Girl." My Dad kept knocking at the door. "We've got to get you to the church...before you turn up 30 at least."

"Thanks Dad!" I rolled my eyes, chuckling. I'm only 23, am I too young for something this huge?  No, I love him and I wouldn't be with anyone else.  I can't even imagine myself with anyone else.  And when you're in love, the age you get married at does not matter.  I straightened the veil on top of my brown curly hair and smiled. "Let's do this." I opened the door and saw my Dad.

"Gosh El, look at you." He wiped his eyes as he started tearing up. "You are the spitting image of your Mother when she and I got married. That hair and those green eyes. I'm so proud of you."

"You'll set me off in a minute Dad." I giggled trying not to cry. He smiled at me, taking my arm as we headed out of the house to the car, helping me in.

Dad and I sat in the Rolls Royce that we hired for the wedding, heading to the church and hit a gridlock of traffic.

"Why aren't we there yet?!"

"Calm down El, we've still got plenty of time."

"A bride is never late and I refuse to be the first." I checked my wristwatch and looked to my Dad.

"Eleanor Maria Saunders calm down and know the traffic will move soon!"

"Dad, I can't bare this!" I passed him my bunch of roses and lilies, opened my door and stepped out into the middle of the road.


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