Chapter 6

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"Come on sweetheart you're almost done. Just one more big push," the doctor told me.

"I can't. I can't. It hurts."

"Please Allie. Don't you want to see your baby girl?"

"Yeah Allie. And she wants to see you, She can't see you if she's in there."

i listen for a minute then have a huge contraction that forces me to push. I yell in pain and push. Then, out of the silence, Paisley Grace Fitzpatrick cries and screams her way into the world. I look at her, then at Fitz. "Allie. She's... She's beautiful." I smile and tear up. They take her back to the nursery to make sure she's healthy. I laid back to rest and waited to see our baby girl.

After a few hours, they brought Paisley back to us. I held her and talked softly to her. I let Fitz hold her while I slept. All I remembered seeing was my amazing husband holding our amazing new baby girl.

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