Chapter 2: Fear of What May Come

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A/N: Well, found a couple minutes. So here ya go. (:

'It's gonna be ok, Tor. Just go with it and everything will be ok.' Tori thinks to herself as he pulls up and parks in front of a nasty, trashed looking house.

The dark very panels has paint peeling off, and there were garbage bags everywhere. She looks in disgust.

"Get out." She hears him say. She does so immediately. She didn't want to think of what he would do if she didn't. He was ok. As long as she did everything he said.

They walked to the front door.

"Knock." He ordered her. She did and after about 3 knocks the door jerked open. Before her stood a very tall and muscular mad who had a very long beard, smelled of alcohol, and was covered in tattoos.

He hurried them in and the place was worse than the yard. Tori thinks she even saw a dead cat.

'Gross.' She thought to herself. They came to the kitchen where two other guys were sitting at the table, looking very drunk. Tori was sat down between Carter and the man that answered the door.

"Where is the money?" He said to Carter, who quickly reaches into hos pocket and hands him a very big bundle of bills.

He smiles and hands Carter a small box, and he puts it into his jacket. Tori wandered, but didn't dare ask. They talked about knives and alcohol for about 10 minutes, she tuned out after the first 2 minutes. But next thing she knows a foot has connected with her left jaw. She cries out and grips her jaw with her hand and then looks at the man to her left, who had opened the door.

"What?!" She yelled.

'Tori, why did you do that?!' She thought.

"Excuse me?" He growled.

'Uh, oh...' she thought to herself alright before she felt his hand grip her arm tight and within a few second losing feeling in her left hand.

She felt Carter tense up beside her. That wasn't a good sign. They were both in deep shit now. Carter always remained calm. As much as she hates him, right now she just hoped they only kill her.


The man, Ty, believes she heard him called, had threw her to the floor. The two drunk people were laughing as hard as they could. Carter looked worried, but it was for himself, not Tori.


Then she felt sharp pains all in her left arm. She looked up and the man, Ty, was standing on her arm. She looked away, and then received a sharp kick to her left temple, blurring her vision. And then it was gone. He had sat back down. She wasn't sure what to do, she looked to Carter, who motioned for her to get up.

"Well, we have things to do. You two can leave now." Ty said. Carter stood and started walking, Tori hurried behind him.

As soon as they were in the car. he started yelling. She started to cry. He dumped her out at the nearest cafe' and then sped off. She walked in and just sat at a table. She checked the time... 7:38! She had to get back before Dan-her thoughts stopped. He couldn't see her all bruised and beaten up like this.

.~:~:At Tori's place:~:~.

She stumbled through the door. She knee she should text Dan and cancel, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She would just have to cover up the best she can and hide the pain. Her left arm felt broken, but she could love her fingers a little.

'Dont use this arm.' She thought to herself.

She room a shower and got ready as fast as she could. Then there was a knock on the door. She was scared for a minute, as she crept towards the door.

'What if it's Carter?!' She thought to herself, he would probably try to kill her now that she screwed up.

She slowly opened the door, and was so relieved when she saw Dan standing in her door way. Before she could think about it she jumped out and wrapped her arms around his neck. He hesitated for a minute but then hugged her back. She winced a little, and hoped he didn't notice.

Close Your Eyes (Bastille/Dan Smith) [OH]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя