Saturday, January 14, 2017

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Valentines Day is coming and I am not prepared. First off, I should probably introduce myself. I am Coleson Alexander Murphy. But you can call me Cole or Murphy. No you can't call me Smurphy. Only one person can call me that and that is my crush. Yes, I am really good friends with my crush. But the thing is I've been friend zoned. Secondly, I hate Valentines Day. Not because I have never had a girlfriend, it is because... well... hold on. Let me explain, you know how you always have that one friend that knows "everything" about relationships but stays single. Well thats me. I think that you shouldn't have one day out of the year to where you go over and beyond to make your significant other happy and say "I love you". I just dont think it should be that way. I think you should show your love for your life companion everyday. No matter what holiday it is. So there, i got that off my chest. Now, the reason I am not prepared is because the girl I like is with someone and he treats her like crap. I want to say something, but it is not my place. I am already best friends with her but she just doesn' t see how bad her boyfriend treats her. By the way, her name is Kiera Autumn Pierce. Now, getting back on my soap box, there was one time Kiera, me, and her boyfriend were at a football game. Her boyfriend said, "I'm gonna go get some candy". Kiera said, "Okay. Bring me back some Mike and Ike's". So, then he left. This happened at the last five minutes of the first quarter. He never came back until the last two minutes of the fourth quarter. She then proceded to ask him, "Where have you been?" He said, "Oh, I ate the candy and then I went to the bathroom and now I am here". Kiera isn't stupid. Because one: she could smell his breath. Two: his eyes were bloodshot red. So, he was obviously high. So she called him out in front of God and everyone. "What? Did you fall asleep on the toilet? Because it doesn't take two hours to do those two things. No offense to Smurphy but, you ditch me for weed and left me with Cole!" "No offense taken," I said. So then Kiera's boyfriend said, "Can we talk about this later?" She said, "No we can talk about it now. Your way to high to remember what happened today. So... You know what, lets just drop it. Because we are leaving." So they left. She told me the next day at school that she was peeved at what happened the day before. I just nodded my head like I always do and said its fine. But you know what, it isn't fine. She deserves better than him. But I can't tell her that because I respect her decision of being loyal to her boyfriend. Because if she puts up with all his crap, imagine how easy it would be to stay with her if she was my girlfriend. I do need to say something to her. I just don't know what.
- Coleson Alexander Murphy

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