Wednesday, January 18, 2017

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Well... today was pretty fun... for once... in a while. Me and Keira said our goodbyes too Trevor and we stayed after school for the basketball game. Once Trevor was out of sight, she hugged me and said, "Thank you so much for caring unlike how Trevor did. I should have listened to you. I can do so much better. Cause I mean, ditching me for weed. I know that if he loved me, he wouldn't have lied to me. He would of told me what he was doing and I would have listened. Everytime I get in a relationship I really care about being in, I always mess up and break up". And by this time, she was crying and I was staying silent... listening to how much she hurt. I know it sounds cheesy but, I could literally feel her pain. "Kiera, listen to me... This is not your fault. You didn't do anything to deserve this. I am sorry that it had to go this way for you though", I said. Of course I wasn't going to ask her out right then and there. I was going to give her time to heal. Like any reasonable person would do. Biggest mistake of my life right there and I would never recover. Guess what? That was the start of forever being friend zoned.
-Coleson Alexander Murphy

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