A long walk

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I slowly trotted behind the odd odd 'friends' and stared at the hatters odd attire.
"How do you know who I am?, and how do you know my mother"? You asked suspiciously. "Ohhhh. Yay! A story"! The cat yipped.
"No, no stories. Alice will explain herself" hatter demanded. You just lowered your head and sighed disappointedly.
"I thought I at least would get a fair explanation from a pair of gentle men like you but I guess not......." As I glanced upwards Cheshire bit his lip and floated over me.
"My sweet (y/n) I wish I could explain but master says I must not........." He trailed off into total silence and scampered down the grey tiling. "Cheshire"? I asked. He didn't reply.

Cheshire's POV.
I hated leaving mrs.(y/n) behind but something wasn't right.  I ran ahead of hatter and the lovely mrs. To check what was going on.  I soared high into the sky and dashed miles off from my "group".
"Find that wench and kill her. Off with her head" the red queen shouted.
"Are they talking about (y/n)"? I asked my self.
"You up there......" She yelled
"What are you doing come down here"!!! I stopped in sudden realization. She can see me. "Find him. And bring him to me".
Why is she after me? Uggg. Is this because I helped Alice escape that one time?
I heard the rush of the soldiers rush out towards me.
I can't go back to hatter. They can reach (y/n) and I promised Alice that I'd protect my flower. (Y/n) I knew I loved you the day you were born and I will not let any one or anything hurt you.

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