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It's morning now well we think it is it's really dark in here we can't tell day from night. So yesterday Lewis said we were going to there base but were the hell is that. I ask him he seems to know everything about this place. He tell me to just stay with him and I will.

I follow him, there's that awkward silence again. Being quiet might be for a plan that or he doesn't want to talk to me. I wish it was the first it's probably the last.

A few hours later he finally breaks the silence. "We've got to break," he tells me,
"No! My sister we've got to find her! Please," I beg him he shakes his head in reply.
"Look I'm sorry its just we've got to find her, and some food too" I smile at him to show him I'm not a complete monster.
"You said you were hungry right?"
"Hell yes I am,"
"Here," he reaches into his bag and pulls out a loaf of bread! Genuine bread. He hands it to me and I smile.
"Hold on, where did you get this?"
"A guy came to try to kill you last night I killed him and took his pack this is what's in it."
"Thanks for not letting me get killed," I say to him, one sentence I never thought I'd say in my life.

Just then I here voices and more footsteps, someone's coming for us. Then we see them, it looks likes there's about 7 of them and a little weak one I recognise at once, Willow. It's the Musks, they caught her and they're about to catch us.
I look at Lewis and he looks back "Leah run!" I do then I realise he's not following me.

"Lewis come on!" I scream at him.
"I'll get Willow to you just go without me," he says it so calm how can he be calm in a situation like this!
"I'm not leaving you!"
"You have to Leah, they're coming! Run!"
There is a loud explosion that sends me flying onto my back.

My head kills so much, I'm surprised I'm not already dead. But I will be soon. I sit up to find nothing, no one, I must have been here a while. I try to steady myself and try to stand up. My legs shaking, my skull shattering. And the worst thing of all Lewis is gone. I'm lost. I'm on my own. I've got no one to protect me now. But now I'm not just fighting for Willow.

I'm fighting for Lewis...

Sorry for not writing in ages! I'll try to get back into the habit of writing more frequently😁
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote and keep on reading! Thank you
Also I might start writing another story at the same time as this one! I know it's crazy but it'll be fun😊
Thank you for reading!

Leah xx

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