Chapter 16

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As a pair of hands reached out to me, another pair grabbed me and dragged. I was dragged out of the kitchen and into the lounge, where black smoke filled the room.

I waved my hands in front of my face, trying my hardest to keep my face away from the smoke. Wouldn't want to cause any more stress to Tyler. I coughed a few times, inhaling some smoke. Causing me to cough all over again.

"Fire..." I croaked out, struggling to breath.

I was lifted into a pair of, very muscled, arms. Wrong time for these thoughts! As I held my hands in front of my mouth, the body in which the arms belonged to began to run. They ran to the front door and flung it open, proceeding to run outside.

Tyler slowly put me on the ground, asking if I was okay. I wanted to scream 'do I look okay to you!?'. But I didn't, because I'm a nice person... most of the time.

I was about to speak when a sharp pain went through my chest, causing me to start clawing at my chest. Two more faces that I didn't recognise joined Tyler's as he looked down in worry.

I was lifted onto a weird bed thing and put into a flashing van, a mask strapped to my face. I closed my eyes, deciding to rest only for a moment.

But when I woke up, I was no longer in the van but in a bright white room. I didn't like it, that's the first thing I decided. Second thing? I'm hungry. Have I been kidnapped? Do they have gummy bears? Oh! What about Doritos! I LEFT THE DORITOS!

I heard a loud beeping noise before a, ahem, well defined man came running into my room. I stared at him in confusion as he started speaking, not hearing a word. Have I gone deaf!?

Probably seeing my wide eyes, the doctor took off a pair of headphones from my head and chuckled.

"It was very busy last night, you needed your rest," he explained.

I nodded my head, distracted by the deepness of his voice. I mean, wow, that is a very deep voice. He continued to explain about how they had to give me oxygen since my lungs were filled with ash from the fire.

He checked the plastic bag thing before saying he'll be back soon and walking out. I led down and looked at the ceiling. It's official, I'm dead.

I mean, I've been kidnapped by a very sexy man that is trying to tell me he's a doctor when I know the truth! He's not a doctor! He's a scientist that wants do tests on my brain and--

Ooh, candy!


~~Tyler's POV~~
I walked back from Giselle's room, where she had been talking to a doctor, with crossed arms and murmuring to myself. I sat down next to the twins and Lilleth and began pouting and ranting angrily.

"What's wrong you baby?" Lilleth asked, clearly amused at me right now.

"Giselle was talking to a cute guy!" I said angrily, continuing to pout like a child.

"Tyler, was he in a white coat?" Lilleth continued.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"He was a doctor! What do you expect!?" She exclaimed, amused yet clearly confused.

"But I thought it would be a female doctor! Not a really hot male one!" I whined, annoyed at her.

I heard snickers from behind her and looked to see Larry and Laurent chuckling at my childish behaviour. I stuck my tongue out at them before looking left to see the doctor that was talking to Giselle walking over.

"It's him! It's Dr Sexy!" I sneered, not wanting to talk to him.

Lilleth rolled her eyes before walking over to the doctor and talking to him with weird hand gestures. I turned back to Larry and Laurent and smiled innocently.

"'No." Larry stated,

"But you--"

"Yes we did," Laurent said.

I narrowed my eyes at the two and opened my mouth to speak.

"Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious." They said in sync,

"Oh you're good."

"We know," they finished with a shrug.

I was about to ask my question when Lilleth came back with a smile.

"Guess who's allowed to go see Giselle?" She sang.

"OH! OOH! OH!" The twins said, hands in the air and jumping up and down. "We know!"

I rolled my eyes and jumped up, walking back over to Giselle's room. As I was about to enter, I heard a loud crash and noises coming from inside.

I ran in only to come face to face with the most horrific scene before me. There was Giselle, hanging from the ceiling, with only her feet dangling beneath her.

I turned to the counter by her bed to see a bowl labelled "candy" in big letters. Oh...... This is gonna take a while.

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