Chapter 17

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"She'll be...... Coming the mountain when she comes, yeha. She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes..." Giselle sang out the window, pointing to the mountain.

We were on a road, a long road. It was the type of road you'd see in a cowboy movie, overgrown grass on the sides, only one car for a hundred miles, millions of pothole, it might as well be the proper layer.

"You sang it wrong, so very wrong," I criticised.

"No!" Giselle said.

"No!" Larry said.

"Yeah!" Laurent agreed.

"Who are you agreeing with, Laurent?" I asked.

"I don't know, what was the question?" He said. I rolled my eyes. Just then the cars engine stopped.

"It died, I think." Giselle lifts her feet up onto the seat, bending her legs.

"Well done." I jump out of the car, and open the doors for Larry. Larry might be the only one of us who know how to fix a car.

As Larry comes round, a small, black sports car comes racing down the road. I don't even have time to scream at Larry, as the car smashed into him. The car stopped for a few seconds, followed by a thud, and carried on.

"LARRY!" I screamed, my heart beating so fast I could feel it.

Laurent, seeing his twin lying lifelessly on the ground, almost pulled the door off trying to get out. Giselle didn't move, her face stuck in an expression of pure horror.

"FU-" Laurent starts, running down the road towards the black car.

"Laurent, no." I look down at Larry.

The car hit his legs and middle, the impact of the fall gave his face the cuts. His legs are sprawled across at a awkward angle, blood dripping from his stomach.

"Go, Tyler. Go back into the car," Laurent sniffed, his change in attitude unsurprising.

I wouldn't be able to keep to one emotion if my twin had been ran over. Laurent drops to the floor by Larry.

I pull my phone out and dial the ambulance, my sweaty fingers slipping the buttons.

Giselle finally comes out of the car, and slowly walks over to where the car was.

"We're in a road! My friend got hit by a ca--" I shouted into the phone.

"Tyler..." Giselle whispered.

"Not now Giselle!" I continued. "He's not moving! No don't hang up! No... No!"

I chucked my phone to the floor in anger, running my hands through my hair.

"Tyler!" Giselle shouted.

I turned to her, ready to shout, when I stopped and look what she was holding. There, in her arms, lay a small bundle with a tiny hand sticking out.

"Is that...." I trailed off, slowly walking over.

"A baby."

It was a few hours later when the ambulance arrived, Laurent had fixed the car and we'd hopped in. Giselle hadn't let go of the baby, which we identified as a girl, and had decided to call her Misty.

We stayed in the hospital for another few hours when the doctor finally returned.

"Hello, Larry is going to be okay but it appears he's going to be paralysed waist down." A tear slipped out of Giselle's eyes, causing her to turn away.

"We insist on you going home and coming back when he is ready."

And so here we were, sat in a house with the only sound of Misty's crying. Giselle continued to whispers random words to Misty to keep her quiet.

"We're going to have to take her to a foster home." I said, my voice scratchy from all the shouting I'd done.


I looked up at her and narrowed my eyes, giving her a glare. She matched it and stormed off into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and turned to Laurent, seeing his bloodshot eyes.

"You should go to sleep."


I chuckled quietly and watched as he actually fell asleep. Taking a blanket, I draped it over his body and turned to the kitchen to see Giselle stood with her arms crossed.

"Misty fell asleep," she answered my silent question.

Walking over, she sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and rested my own head on hers.

"Why is this happening to us?" She asked, following it with a yawn.

"I don't know Goosey." I whispered, she chuckled at the nickname.

"We should leave Tigger," she started. "Go somewhere tropical, sunbathe in the sun, swim in the sea, dance!"

I smiled at the thought, tropical islands. That seems nice.

"But we can't...." She sighed, so quiet.

"I know."

"Why won't you let Misty go?" I asked, wanting to know.

"Because she needs a mum."

"But why you?"

"Because my mum wasn't there, but I'm going to be. I won't abandon her when she needs my help!"

I rubbed her arms to calm her down, watching as her eyes closed slowly and she leant all her weight against me. "Don't let them take her away from me..."

I kissed her head and lifted her up, holding her in a princess carry. Walking over to my parents room, I laid her in the right side of the bed and covered her with the quilt. Kicking off my shoes, I took off my top and also got into bed, putting the quilt on top.

Turning to Giselle, I smiled and closed my eyes, slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.

It was a few hours later when I shot up in the bed. Looking to Giselle, I saw her also sat up, but she was screaming. My eyes widened and I grabbed her shoulders, attempting to bring her close.

But as I did so, she screamed louder, thrashing widely in my arms.

"Giselle! It's me!" I shouted, pulling her into my arms and stroking her hair. "It's me..."

I heard her sobbing into my chest.

"Don't let them get me, please don't let them get me...."

A/N short chapter I think (XD) so Michelle decided to bail on me with this book, but I'm carrying on for you guys who do read this! Also, happy birthday to my friend JC_C1C1_Oreo who keeps bugging me and Michelle to update. Guess who's on there own now 😂

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