You Guyssssss!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, let me explain myself, I wasn't drawing a lot because I was sick and I was busy reading a book called Get Real.

That book changed my life! You guys have to read it. It's about what's really behind the pair of jeans you bought or what's really going on in that fast food restaurant you like. It completely changed the way I see the world.

America is the world's largest consumer, and we have the highest GDP ( I think that's what it's called) but so many people in America live in poverty and we don't even realize. America is just in its own little bubble and it's moving to fast for the world to catch up.

Scientists are coming up with more ways to make food more plentiful and advertisers are coming up with more ways to take control of what we buy. And while America is spinning on its wheels, we're just closing our eyes and letting it happen!

When you go to the store and you see two chocolate bars, one that's cheaper and another that's more expensive and organic. Most americans will choose the cheaper one. But behind the chocolate bar, there are kids, CHILDREN! Working in fields as slaves harvesting cocoa beans for that chocolate bar. And since so many people want to buy it, so many more slaves are needed.

I'm starting to perceive the world in a new way. I think we have to start realizing and opening our eyes before America and world has dug a hole so deep they can't escape.

Comment what you think about the world now, is it the same or different.

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