Feelings Time

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Hello friends again

I know it's strange for me to be posting twice a day especially with me being on and off frequently but I really want to get something off my chest

I have been feeling very small recently, I haven't been noticed much, even by my friends. Although I'm almost blending into the background, I feel like the walls are eating me up so I disappear. It hurts a lot when you try to talk to your friend about how you're feeling and they just brush you off. It hurts so much that sometimes I wish I didn't have friends. I don't mean to sound pathetic and I don't want attention, I just want to tell someone about how I feel since even my friends won't listen. I try my very best to listen to my friends and see their point of view, and I expect them to do the same for me, but I'm constantly let down. I constantly have to deal with stressful emotions all by myself, and for a while, it made me cut ties with all people that I knew. I didn't talk to anyone for almost a whole year ( or maybe half, I don't remember ) I could only rely on the friends I had made via internet. But now, in the vast world of the internet, I feel smaller and smaller. I don't want tons of people telling me I'll be alright, or followers, or fame, I just want someone who will listen to me. I just want to feel like I have a place in this world, I have meaning. But no one has been there for me. So sometimes I wonder whether or not people are really worth my time, because it seems to me that I'm not worth theirs.

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