Potions Class

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"Okay class, today we are going to learn about sleeping potions." Ironically, Draco yawned. Normally he loved potions, but today he just wasn't feeling it.

He put his arms on his desk and rested his head on his elbow and sighed. Maybe, he thought I could just take one of the sleeping potions. But then he realized, no one had made one yet, and he sighed again. Wow, not only was his tiredness effecting his school work, but his common sense as well.

"Mr. Malfoy, what did I just say?" Snape said, already knowing himself that Draco had no clue of what he just explained to the class. "Umm..." He started. "Just forget it," Snape said, "Five points from Slytherin, Mr Malfoy." Draco sighed and went back to staring at his desk.

"You will be working in partners.." Snape said, half smirking. Pairs shot glances, locked eye contact and nodded with and at each other. Ron looked at Hermione but she quickly darted her eyes away and nodded at Lavender Brown. "And for your information," He glanced around the room at the personally chosen partners, "I have already chosen who you'll be working with." All the witches and wizards let out a synchronized sigh as the excitement slowly trailed out of them.

Snape started pairing people up, Dean and Blaise, Pansy and Hermione (much to Hermione's disgust) and Ron and Seamus. Snape shot Harry a sarcastic yet sympathetic look as he paired him with Draco. Oh my god. Seriously?! I just have to get paired up with Harry frickin Potter. Draco thought. Great. But Draco actually did think it was great that he and Harry were paired up. Draco has always carried feelings for the boy who lived but he recently had a mini identity crisis. Everything was under control now, though. And there was no point in denying that he did in fact, like Harry Potter.

Everyone made their way over to the one or the others work area and got to work. Draco was still slumped at his desk so Harry decided to go over to the blond boy. "Malfoy. Get up." Harry nudged Draco's shoulder, Draco ignored him.
Still, Draco ignored him.
"Okay seriously, Draco, you've left me no choice." Harry grabbed Draco's shoulders and pulled him up into a sitting position. "Did you just call me Draco?" The taller boy said with a smirk. "Shut up." Harry mumbled as he turned and faced the cauldron.

They were halfway through with making their potion when Snape was patrolling the class, studying everyones concoctions. He came around to Draco's desk, eyeing up the liquid in the cauldron. A bead of sweat rolled down Harry's neck and was about to fall into and spoil their, so far, perfect sleeping potion. Draco acted fast and wiped the sweat away with his palm, god damn Harry had a soft neck. Harry stared at Draco with a look of confusion infused with a hint of surprise. "I-uh your um sweat was, um, gonna fall into the um.. potion." Draco stuttered. Snape was obviously not impressed and walked away. Harry eyed Draco suspiciously before nodding a "Thank you." To the other boy.

Things just got more awkward from there. First, Draco 'accidentally' held Harry's hand for like, three seconds, while trying to take the vial away from him. Harry awkwardly turned away and started pouring the potion into the glass vial.

Second, Harry might've maybe touched Draco's ass. "Wow, Potter. I did not know that you found my butt that attractive that you had to physically squeeze it." Draco had the biggest smirk on his face, Harry
flushed pink.

And lastly, Harry couldn't keep his eyes off Draco. He was just so perfect. His jawline, his eyes, his lips. Oh, how Harry wanted to brush his own lips against the blond's. Draco caught him staring and smirked, again, for like the third time in under thrity minutes. "I'm starting to think you have an unexplainable thirst to kiss me, Potter. Stop licking your lips and looking at mine." Draco said, while Harry was in the middle of licking his lips.
"I-I.. um..."
"It's okay, Potter," Draco half smiled.
"Because I do, too."

Oh my god, so many things were going through both Draco and Harry's minds right at this very moment. "Jesus.." Harry whispered, just loud enough that Draco could hear. Draco reached out and lightly grabbed Harry's hand. "How about you get a butterbeer with me this weekend," Harry looked dumbfounded. "Y'know.. since everyones going to Hogsmeade and all..." Draco added quietly.
"Sure." Harry said with a smile,
"It's a date."

He walked off as the bell signaled the end of class, leaving Draco staring as the black haired boy turned back towards him one last time, and winked.

A/N: Hey guys! FINALLY an update! Im so sorry it's been ages. I've just been rly busy and I haven't found the time to write but hopefully I can start uploading weekly. Idek what this is lmao its like 11pm rn and I have school tomorrow rip me but good news; IM GOING TO TWENTY ONE PILOTS NEXT YEAR IM SO HAPPY OML!!! okay wow enough excitement, thanks for reading!! Bye :)

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