House Unity Party

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Hey guys! This one shot was requested by @inloveatthewrongtime so I hope you guys enjoy it :) it was really fun to write tbh and I might actually use this idea later on in my 8th Year fic lmao I'm chatting it up so much I better keep writing it. Lmao ok bye enjoy.

Words: 1423

"You've definitely outdone yourself this time, Hermione," Ron laughed as he kissed Hermione on the cheek.

The 8th year's common room was decked out in all four houses colours, multi coloured banners were draped from the ceiling. Hermione and Luna had spent the past week painting buntings with the house emblems and animals, with occasional help from Ginny and surprisingly, Pansy. The very best selection of Muggle music was blasting from the speakers, selected specially by Justin Finch-Fletchley.

He smiled at the scenes folding out in front of him; Hufflepuff girls and Ravenclaw boys dancing together, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws pigging out at the snack table and many Hufflepuff muggleborns belting out the notes to Queen songs.

Hermione squeezed Ron's hand before making her way over to the Karaoke Machine herself, Ron looked around and saw Harry making his way towards him.

"Hey Ron, this party is going pretty well, aye!" Harry exclaimed as he ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"Yeah, 'Mione's done a great job, don't you think?"

"When doesn't she?" The two boys burst out laughing.

"Although I haven't seen many Slytherins get involved," Ron said sadly.

"Oh, I saw Pansy having a nice chat to Ginny before. No idea what they were talking about, but Pansy was laughing so probably a good sign?" Harry smiled at Ron's horrified expression.

Ron shook his head and said, "Well, as long as no one's causing any trouble."

He got up to get a handful of crisps, Harry trailed behind him, focusing on the Muggle music playing through the speakers of the common room.

Next thing he knew, he had fallen on his arse, "Ouch," He said before laughing.

"Sorry, Potter." A voice said, Harry turned around to see who it was, but all he got was a head of blond hair walking away from him. "Draco!" He called out, unsuccessfully. The blond completely ignored him, "What's new?" Harry sighed before going to find Ron again.

Honestly, Draco didn't want to be here, the only reason he was is because Pansy forced him to come. Draco could still hear her shrieks in his head ("Draco Lucius Malfoy! You are coming to that party whether you like it or not! I worked so hard decorated those stupid buntings!" By now Pansy was repeatedly whacking Draco in the arm with a pillow. "I don't care whether you sit there and do nothing, but I think it will be good for you.").

Pansy was probably right, she usually is, Draco thought sadly. He glanced over towards the Karaoke machine, he caught sight of Granger falling to her knees dramatically, screaming the lyrics to some obscure Muggle song with Ernie Macmillan.

He rolled his eyes. How did Ernie know those songs? Isn't he pureblood? He thought, before he realised he honestly didn't care. He sighed and put his head in his hands.

Harry searched the whole common room for Malfoy, saying hi to various friends of his and dancing for a little bit with Luna and Ginny, before he spotted Draco sitting alone in the corner. He quickly said goodbye to the girls and shuffled over towards Draco, he took a seat next to him and clapped his back.

"You're a git, you know that?" He laughed when Draco raised his head scowled at him.

"Why don't you get up and join the party! It'll be fun, you know. You don't need to keep up your 'bad boy' demeanour anymore, well for today at least."

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