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Daisy's P.O.V

Matthew and I always are out late this time it was 4:00 in the morning and I need to get clothes from my house. My house isn't has beautiful and nice as Matthews and two it was on the other side of town.

"I'll go in with you." Matthew said. "I don't think so you just wait here and I'll run in and out." I told him

He went to protest against me. "You're not gonna always be here for me Matthew." I said.

He put his hands up and backed away from me.
He rolled his eyes, "D, but I want to be." He hugged me. "Remember what happened last time." He said hugging me.

I ran into the house through the front door up to my room. I had my bag with me I started to grab as much clothes as I could. But before I could I heard the creaking of a door.

I ran out of my room with my stuff as I got to the window, it wouldn't open for me to get out.

"Daisy honey is that you?" I heard the insane man that was about to do anything he could to me. I heard the gun click, fuck I need to get the fuck out of here.

I started to pull harder, it wouldn't budge. I heard his footsteps coming closer. "Fuck this." I punch the window with my bare hands I cut them up.

I went through the window my dad came in and shot at me I slid off my roof and boom!

I hit the ground knocking the breath out of me. I got up and ran. I didn't stop. Until I was in front of Matthews house.
*End of Flashback*

"Wish me luck." I put my arms out he walked into them. He picked me up and I hugged him tight.
"See you later faggot." I said

"See you later fucker." He said back.

I ran in up the stairs, Boom! I screamed.

"What the fuck are you doing here you little bitch!" I heard my "father" Arlo.

"Debra! You're daughter you love and miss is here." I let out a whimper.

He shot the gun. Almost hitting me I let out a scream. Matthew barged into the house, "Lets go Daisy." He looked at my dad. "You're the fucker who abused her! You knew she was getting abused at school too!"

Matts P.O.V
"Who the fuck are you?" He told me. Daisy looked back and forth. "Just a friend of mine Arlo." "Shut your mouth wench!"

"Don't fucking call her that!" I jumped on him and started to pound his face in.

I let go my knuckles were red and purple instead of white now. He spit on the floor.

"Bye." He told me. My ears rang and I heard a scream, I felt the sharp pain in my chest.

I heard sirens I seen a faded light. It was in and out. Darkness, Reality, Darkness, Reality, Darkness.....

Arlo's P.O.V

They were serving me my rights. The cold chains against my skin, I felt them tighten, I started to laugh.

Daisy looked at me. "May I talked to him." She asked the officer. He nodded and threw me in the car. They rolled down the window.

"Can you a least let me go and live my life of happiness with a family I would actually love."
She asked me to give her up for adoption.

I couldn't do that, even though I am still caught.

"I don't think so you wench." She rolled her eyes. "I swear if he dies, I'm coming after you."

"Bitch I hope you die with him." She opened up the door of the officer car grabbed my collar of my shirt. Twisted it and brought me to her face.

She started to roll up the window until my collar was caught. I tried to breathe for air.
The officer came up to me laughing. "Fuck you piece of shit!" I said with my last breath.

She flipped me off through the window and walked into the ambulance. An officer ran to her and asked her questions I'm guessing.

Maybe if that pussy didn't start fighting with me.

I got to the station. I stayed in a room for several hours. The officer picked me up, "you should be dying, you're one sick man."

I started to laugh. "You're a sick man for bringing me in."
That's when they took me away.

That is Daisy in the picture up there.😁👌

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