Her Name Is Debby (I am sorry that this is based off of old events...)

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A/N: I know that the whole debby stuff happened a while ago but uhm.... it was the only thing i could get inspiration from 

Y/N's P.O.V

I  (unwantingly) woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. "Ugh," I mumbled to no one in particular as I got up out of bed to get ready.


After getting dressed and cleaning myself up, I remembered that Josh wanted to hang out today. Something about me meeting someone? I don't know. I took out my phone and sent him a message asking him where he wanted to meet up. 


~At the Meet up~

I waited a while for Josh and this mystery person to arrive. Finally they did and I saw Josh walking with this girl. She was pretty, I'll give her that, but looking at Josh with her made me feel something awful.. Was it jealousy?

"Hey Y/N!" Josh greeted happily (like usual)

"Hey!! Who's this?"

"Well, Her name is Debby. She's my girlfriend." He stated

I instantly felt my heart drop in my chest. I felt completely awful, but I didn't show it. I acted happy, after all, he has her and she makes him happy. That part was very clear.

"Hey Debby, I'm Y/N!"

"Hello! It's so nice to meet you!!"

A/N: Yeah, it's short and it sucks but eh

~Betrayal~ Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now