Words Can't Explain.

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After the meet-up, I honestly had no idea what to feel. I felt heartbroken, sad, angry... betrayed almost. It was like the despair took the colour out of my world. What made it worse is knowing that it was just some dumb boy who had so much control over how I felt.

Time went on without me, it seemed. Days of going through the motions turned into weeks. Weeks to months..

And then, I met someone who changed everything.

~P.O.V change bbeh ;D~

While walking home from a gas station not too far, Y/N (Focusing more on their doughnut, of course. Who wouldn't be?) walked right into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Exclaimed Y/N as they looked up at the person they'd run into. When they looked into the stranger's eyes, They're world changed. It seemed to brighten, filling with colours of all sorts, almost as if it were a painting, or a fantasy. 

I hope this will suffice for now. I know where i want to go with this but i can't decide the gender of their... er.... your new friend.

~Betrayal~ Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now