forgiveness and gratitude

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credit goes to J.K Rowling
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    The Lupins' son, Edward Remus ('Teddy'), was named for Remus's recently deceased father-in-law. To both parents' relief and delight, he showed no sign of lycanthropy when born, but inherited his mother's ability to change his appearance at will. On the night of Teddy's birth, Remus briefly left Tonks and his son in the charge of his mother-in-law, so that he could go and find Harry for the first time since their angry confrontation. Here, he asked Harry to be Teddy's godfather, feeling nothing but forgiveness and gratitude towards the person who had sent him home to the family that gave him his greatest happiness.



Authors note
Sorry for such a long wait for such a short chapter!!
Im going to post one  more chapter maybe ,and its going to be about a very touchy subject......
Im not spoiling it yet

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