New Rant. On the theme song

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Subject of the day: the EAH theme song.


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They took out BRIAR?! SHE WAS ONE OF THE FOUR MAINS!!! Oh and they REMOVED CUPID BLONDIE AND LIZZIE. AND THEY STILL ARE KEEPING ASH?! Don't get me wrong, I love Ashlynn as a character and such, but all she does is be with Hunter. And sure she's friends with Farrah and all, I guess that's why she's there, but really, TAKING OUT BRIAR BEAUTY?! She was one of the mains, and I guess something happened between hmm THRONECOMING and these past webisodes, that took an AMAZING CHARACTER and got rid of her, I mean they kept Maddie{Raven's BFFA} but got rid of Briar{Apple's BFFA}?!. They also did that with Cupid, except got rid of her character sooner. Lizzie at least made it to WTW, and Blondie is just an announcer and played some role in dragon games. So my problem is, although making Cedar more main,  they take out some of the best characters, including my fave {Briar}, oh and am I in any of these? No. Sure, the last thing I did was dodge a fireball spewing out of Nevermore's mouth, but that's it? *cough* more screen time than any of the O'Hair twins in the three movie features*

 Sure, the last thing I did was dodge a fireball spewing out of Nevermore's mouth, but that's it? *cough* more screen time than any of the O'Hair twins in the three movie features*

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And they take out the EAH Clondie power couple. Also, in the beginning, Cupid is the one with the most backstory, half the time you don't even know that(unless you read the books) Apple is someone who is really book smart, kept her had blonde because, although the story went as black as snow, believed that being true to yourself was also important. And Raven is creative, and is caring about her friends, stood by Cerise when Cerise showed the Hoods and the Wolves who she really was, and Cerise raced to save her fate, and Raven was helping her the entire time. If you ask me, the books had more character plot than most of the webisodes

Also, one of my favorite friendships throughout the series is the friendship between Cupid and Dexter,

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Also, one of my favorite friendships throughout the series is the friendship between Cupid and Dexter,

Also, one of my favorite friendships throughout the series is the friendship between Cupid and Dexter,

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No, I don't ship them together, but they have such a good friendship. Dexter can talk to Cupid when he might need advice. She even helps him ask out Raven, although I do admit, it was a teensy bit rude for him to do it in front of her, but he didn't know. I see them as close friends, not in a romantic way.

Conculsion: Still bringing justice to Cupid and Dexter as friends and BRING BACK BRIAR, and #theoldEAH is now and here. Thanks

-Kitty out✌️

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