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Grace POV

"I know right..-" Jack said. We were talking while walking the hallway "Grace!" I heard someone calls my name from behind, I turn my head and see the one and only Jacob.

"Yes?" I said "I-I need to talk to you,can I?" He said.
I look at Jack and he said "I'm going to Lea in the library" and he left, I look at jacob and he had a smile on his face. Oh that smile!!

I followed him walking the hallway "so. what's up?" I looked up at him but he just look back at me and smile..again.

We got at the cord yard and stop.
I looked up at him again as he slowly take my hands and his eyes still lock at mine, hopefully he won't realize my red cheeks.
"Grace.." He started "do you want to be my girlfriend? Stay with me and promise to never give up on each other?" I quiet for a moment trying to process what just happen.


"B-but. But I barely know you, I mean we just met l-like literally yesterday" I said just trying to make sure he knows what just he said "I don't think so, I'm pretty sure we know a lot about each other" he answered and smirk.

Without any thinking I look deeper in his eyes, "then,yes. Yes I do.." I said still smiling.
His eyes widen and smile bigger, then suddenly hug me tight.

He pulled away a little but still wrap his arms around me, he cupped my face and slowly leaning in for a kiss and the next thing I know is his soft lips touch mine.

After a few moment I guess we pull away and smile while I blush hard.

"I love you,angel."
"I love you too,Jacob."

(Gosh! I wish I was grace!!)

Jack POV

I was sitting in the library next to Lea.
"Where's Grace?" She asked so I told her what happened earlier.
"Oh how dare she! She told me she wants to do the work together..-" while Lea complaining I saw a thing I never expecting to see out the window, I saw Jacob wrapped his arms around Grace.

My heart dropped seeing the girl I just fell in love with literally 24hours ago with another boy.

"Jack!! Gillinsky!! Hello!!" Lea said snapping me out of my thought "I'm complaining here! What are you looking at-" she looked at the window I was staring at and say "awhh..look at those love birds... They're so cute-" "CUTE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CUTE?" The librarian told me to be quiet but who cares?? How could she think that is cute??

"Chill,Jack.. What's up?" She asked quietly and I just look down on my feet "I love her okay...since the first day I saw her..and now I have to see her with another boy.." "Ohh...I'm sorry.." She placed her hand on my back and rub it slowly.

I looked back at the window and see him kiss Grace.


That's all I can feel right now.
"I-I need fresh air" I said because I actually feel my heart burn and the Ocsiygen in my chest getting hotter somehow.
This is the first time I feel this hurt all my life.

I ran out of the library and to the field at the back of the school.


"Jack wait!!" I yelled at him, he's running from the library after saw Grace and Jacob from the window.

He stopped at the back field, it was kinda scary tho because he starts to breath heavily.
He about to fall to the ground when I catch him "Jack!" And suddenly I understand how much he loves her.

I knew from these girls in school that say that he only had 2 exes and he's a loyal person so..yeah it's gonna be so hard to him.

"I j-just love her so much.." He said weakly so I hug him trying to be a good friend I am.

If I'm honest.. [Jacob Whitesides+Jack Gillinsky]Where stories live. Discover now