Chapter 3: Dinner

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I don't know where all of the confidence came from but it was kind of nice. I don't know what it is about Prince but he different. I've never opened up to anyone that fast in a long time.

Whenever I got off of the bus Prince was right by my side with his arm slung around my shoulder casually. This simple gesture had tingles erupting underneath his touch. I looked up at him -since he was about a head taller than me- and when his eyes captured mine he smiled down at me brightly. I couldn't help but smile back. When I looked at him there was this other warm feeling I got that crept up my neck and to my cheeks so I quickly turned away.

Prince leaned down towards my ear and whispered "I'll get that kiss one day mami."

I looked at him and smirked before saying, "In your dreams bad boy." and with that I walked into the building and to my first period class.

Im so stupid I thought as the bell rang and Prince walked in. I had totally forgot he was in my class.

He walked back to the seat next to me and sat down but not before sending me a playful smirk. the teacher started to teach and I started to take notes.

About halfway through class I got bored and started to doodle in my journal. I was completely zoned out until Prince said something about a teacher coming or something like that so I looked up and saw our teacher walking towards our table. I quickly got my note journal back out and acted like I was writing the notes off of the board. She nodded my way approvingly and went on.

I looked over at Prince and mouthed Thank you

He didn't say anything back but he grinned at me so I'm pretty sure what he was saying. The next couple of classes were boring as usual and now it was time for lunch. I made my way over to the line to get an smoothie and went to our normal table and sat down where Sam and Eden were already situated.

"Hey guys."

"Sup breezy-weezy" Sam said

"no sam, no" me and Eden said in unison before we all laughed.

This is what I loved about these girls was that they could get my mind off of everything and give me a laugh. Brianna and Sydnee all sat down and we stared talking.

"She is so fake."

"and she is a hoe."

There were murmurs of agreement as we ate. Brianna was about to say something but quickly shut her mouth when she looked at something behind me.

"Hot dvmn" all of the girls said as they looked in the direction behind me.

I turned around to see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, walking towards us were Diggy, Roc, Ray, Prod, and Prince. They were laughing but when Princes eyes caught mine he smiled brightly at me. I turned around as fast as I could without getting whiplash.

The girls all started to mumble something about them coming over here and sure enough seconds later they plopped themselves in some extra seats around our table.

Prod sat by Brianna and smiled at her and she blushed. They started to talk and laugh at each other like old friends.

Ray went over to Eden and sat down by her and stole one of her fries. Before he could pop it into his mouth Eden stole it from him and popped it in her mouth before giving him a smug look. He smirked at her and took another and swiftly ate it before winking at her.

Diggy sat by Sam and they started talking like old friends which I'm pretty sure they were.

Roc sat by Sydnee and winked at her and she winked back.

I stared at all of my friends and how confident and happy they were, and how different I am than them. all of my friends have normal lives and can socializes with almost anyone as to where I am a wallflower, an outsider, and unsocial.

"Hey you alright?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice but quickly recovered and gave him my best fake smile and a nod. I had perfected the fake smile over the years so I figured he would easily by it.

Boy was I wrong.

"Come with me." he said in a gentle voice as he lightly tugged on my hand. I obeyed him and we headed outside and towards the football field.

"Now spill and don't say everything's fine because I know it isn't."

"I-I I was just um... "

"Take your time I just want you to be able to talk to me since we are besties now and everything."

Prince plopped down on the grass and patted for me to sit by him. I did just that and let it all out. " Its just that they are so social and can easily make friends and they have the perfect lives. I guess I was just comparing myself to them." I sighed.

" You'll come around. You're a great girl and I'm sure people will come to realize that and before you know it you'll be the most loved girl in school." Prince said as he hugged me.

I smiled and mumbled a 'thanks' into his chest... oh my gosh he smells so good.

" Thanks you smell amazing too." he whispered back and I could tll he was smirking

Did I say that out loud?!

" Yep" he said popping the 'p'

I blushed and stood up. "Well um the bell should...umm you know..." just then the bell rang signaling lunch was over.

Prince stood up and nodded his head. As we walked to class I could feel peoples eyes on me so I looked down at the floor.

"First things first, look up." Prince said from beside me.

I looked up at him and nodded before looking around. There were a couple boys starring at something behind me.

"Is there something on my butt?" I asked Jacob.

it took him a while to answer but when he did he replied with a smirk, " nope nothing, everything back there looks perfectly fine." when he said the last thing he smacked my butt and winked at me and I blushed again.


School passed by pretty fast today which for normal people that would be a good thing but as for me it want because it meant I would be going home, to my mom...I mean if she was even there.

When I got on the bus and sat down in the back I put my earphones in and listened to music. I was in the middle of Beware by Big Sean when I felt the seat dip down and a familiar afro puff come into view.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place for dinner maybe?"


If I'm late getting back home.... home that place isn't home and I definitely don't want to go there anytime soon.



We talked the rest of the bus ride and got off at his stop before walking off to the direction of his house I'm guessing. When we got there I could tell I would love this house and his family. this house just reminds me of something but I cant put my finger on it. whatever the memory may be it mad me smile slightly.

this ought to be something....



Heyyyyyy So sorry tis has taken so long I am currently writing 2 stories so it is harder to write both and do homework and all that other jazz....

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*not edited very well*

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