Happy Mother's Day

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They didn't officially find out until Maine was already a month along, but RJ saw the signs. He knew that Maine woke up early in the morning to puke. He knew she ate more than the usual, and never skipped a meal like she used to. He knew she stopped drinking her night caps. He knew Maine was getting chubbier around the thighs. He knew all of this, and he was aware. But he was also aware of how terrified Maine was.

It all began on Valentines Day when RJ followed Maine out to Subic. It had been an emotionally draining day for the both of them, and Richard just needed her. He needed her if he wanted to keep his sanity. It wasn't meant to get as far as it did, but before they knew it, they were cursing, panting, screaming each other's names as they flew to their own world. Into the world that only Nicomaine and Richard understood. Into the world that consists of RJ's mouth on Maine's- her hands on his shoulder, his hands in her hair.

Maine got the idea that something was wrong a week later when she was hovering over the toilet on a Friday morning. She immediately called Coleen, asking her sister to get a box of pregnancy tests. The fear in Maine's eyes as she saw the two lines on the small object was heart shattering. She had no idea what to do. She wasn't even twenty-one yet, and she was going to be a mother? How was she going to tell RJ? How would he react? Would he leave her? Maine didn't want to know the answers to her own questions, so she decided to do what she knows best. She decided to plaster a smile on her face and ignore the test. Those weren't always correct, right? And besides, what RJ didn't know wouldn't kill him.

But RJ did know. He wasn't the least bit mad when he saw the pink stick in Maine's garbage bin the following night. He kept quiet, knowing that Maine would tell him herself. And eventually, she did. It took four weeks, but she finally told him. The smile that broke into RJ's face when she said the words "I'm pregnant" was big and bright enough to heal the world. So he started to stay over her apartment every night. He held her hair back early in the morning when she was hugging the toilet seat, disposing of her dinner from the night before. He surprised her with a tub of her favorite ice cream and takeaway.

And he surprised the nation when he tweeted, "happy mother's day @mainedcm" with a picture of their baby's ultrasound.


hello !! super duper short one shot for mother's day and before i finally post this one shot i've been working on for a week (i'm a slacker sorry). i didn't bother editing this so excuse all the grammatical errors and such (again, i'm a slacker). for my baby yvana (maichardslove ) bc she inspired me to write this. mwaps x

lablabs -Tav

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