Pink is for Sissies

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A/n: there is some adult content in the story so I wouldn't recomend reading this if you are a younger reader.  Anywho, enjoy, rate, vote, comment, let me know wat you think! :) _______________________________________________________________________________

"What time do you want to leave for the football game?"  I asked Stacey

"About an hour, I'm still getting ready and my hair is a hot mess!" She exclaimed with so much horror you'd think a death eater was after her.

I looked down at what I was wearing and frowned.  I was dressed as usual in a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.  My hair was up and I started to feel a little self conscious but brushed it away as if it were dirt on my shoulder.  The nagging feeling started to come back as Stacey started singing 'Satisfaction', so I walked over to my closet and started to look through the mess of clothes.

Nothing, I thought.  I just had jeans and sweats; with the occasional dress that Stacey insisted on me getting, which I never wore.  Rummaging though more piles of clothes I found a skirt that didn't look too too bad, and a ruffly cream shirt.  Well, it's now or never, I thought to myself as I stripped off my jeans and threw the new outfit on.

After I pulled my pony tail out and let my curls fall loose I glanced at Stace who was putting the finishing touches on her make-up.  When she was finally done she looked over and gave a wolf-whistle when she saw my outfit.  I shoved her in return.

"Are you two decent?" Matt said as he poked his head in my room

Then he actually looked at me, "You're not wearing that Sam."  He said pretty calm, but I could tell he was close to anger.

"Oh come on, what is your problem just let her have some attention!"  Stacey said and then looked away blushing when Matt turned his stare onto her.

"Let's just go already!" I exclaimed leaving my room and heading to Matt's pick-up.

Mumbling under their breathe Matt and Stacey followed me out to the truck.

The car ride to the Football field was quiet, and I was more than thankful to get out onto the field to watch my brothers play.  As I walked up the bleachers I felt weird in a skirt, worried that people could see up my skirt. 

I finally got to the top of the bleachers and sat down next to Stacey and the rest of my family.  The game had already started and we were winning.  Of course we were also playing one of the worst teams in the county, the Beavers.  The Lakewood Lions (us) are undefeated this year, so far.

As the game played out we ended up crushing the Beavers with an end score of 8-40.  We all ran out on the field to congratulate my brothers.  Christian, Chase, and Eric all gave me bear hugs when the saw me.  All the girls ran up to Ian Harrison and were fighting for his attention, which he was happy to give.

"Ian is such a manwhore!  I don't see what those girls see in him."  I told Stacey

"Well it's probably that body, I mean, well you got to admit he is good looking." Stace said in reply


“Okay we’re going to Leonardo’s for pizza, whose coming?” Christian asked.  Everybody started complaining of how much they were starving so we all got in our cars and Headed to Leonardo’s.  I rode with in Matt’s truck with Stace, Christian, and Joey all squished in the back seat.

As we pulled in the parking lot I saw that it was already pretty packed.  I hoped out and walked over to one of the waiters I knew.

“Hey Archie, think you could score us a big table to seat about 10 or so people?”  I said as he looked me over.

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