County Surprise

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“Wake UP!!  We’re going to the fair!”  I groaned as Chase and Eric jumped on my bed until I finally pushed them both to the ground and buried myself under my covers.

“Come on Sammy, its 5 o’clock!  Get up!” Eric nudged me.

“Okay, okay. I’m up!” I said sluggishly heading for the shower.

After a long relaxing shower I was able to clear my mind of last night.  We go to the fair every year, and even though it may seem childish being that we’re all teenagers, each year just seems to get better than the last.

Driving down to the Lakewood Fair Grounds I started falling back asleep.


“Hey I missed you.”  I said lovingly to someone who I couldn’t recognize, as their face was too blurry.

“Sammybear, you know I missed you.  Anytime I’m without you I’m missing you.” A male voice said; I could hear the smile in his words.  “You look especially beautiful today.”

I looked down at what I was wearing and realized I couldn’t see my toes due to a large bump in my dress.  I felt my stomach, and felt it move.  I was shocked, but happy for some reason at the same time. “It kicked.” I said quietly.  Within seconds the mystery man was in front of my belly talking and rubbing lovingly.

“Hey little one, I’m hoping you’re a boy.  You can be my little man; If you’re a girl I’ll love you all the same.  Your mama is an amazing woman.  I hope you have her eyes, and her heartwarming smile.” He said as he pulled himself up to my eye level; if was then that I saw who it was.

“Ian?” His lips crushed against mine, and I found myself pulling him closer to me.  His smell intoxicated me, with warm cedar and fresh mint. 

“Wake UP!!!”  Eric screamed in my ear startling out of that amazing dream, wait no, that wasn’t amazing.  Ian would never act like that, and me pregnant?  But I couldn’t help thinking back on how lovingly he acted, and how much I wanted that part of him, If there even was some part of him capable of acting in a respectful manner.  Who am I kidding, it’s Ian.

Pulling myself out the internal debate I was having with myself I got out of the truck and looked up at the night sky to see hundreds of lit up rides and inhaling the smell of popcorn and cotton candy.  There really was nothing like the fair. 

We all walked in paying for our wristbands and were all eager to ride some of the rides that you saw people walking out of looking sick.  I lived for roller coasters and fast stomach jerking rides!  A bunch of us went on Zero Gravity first.  It was one of those rides that’s a huge circle and everyone holds on to bars on the wall as it spins around in circles until you can’t move at all because of the pressure.  It was alright, but I wanted to go on something more intense.

I walked up to the Cobra entranced by the lights and the compartments where you sit spinning around and around in huge arcs and then finally flipping all the way around.  The guy who ran the ride told me to come forward when two kids got off.  I eagerly hoped into the cage-like compartment, and unexpectedly came face to face with the person I least wanted to see right now.  But I was determined, noting was going to ruin this ride for me; not even Ian.

“Hey Sam,” He said with a smirk.

“Ian” I nodded

“You here with your brothers?” Ian asked as the ride started up.


“Hey if you get scared I’m here for you.” He said

“I’ll keep that in-oh, this is, it’s fasterrr than I thought it would be.” I said between deep breathes clutching Ian’s arm

“I’m here”

I felt myself getting dizzier and dizzier the faster the ride went.  Ian was rubbing my back, but it was just making me more nauseous.

When the ride finally ended I was practically in Ian’s lap, I quickly jumped to the other side of the compartment and waited to be let out.  As the ride slowly but surely moved every few seconds to let people off I started to get an uncomfortable feeling of being watched.  I looked over at Ian and saw him starring intently at me. “Are you alright?” he finally said quietly.

“Yeah, I guess.  Why?”

“You look like you might be sick.” He said, and just as it was our turn I dashed out of the ride and to the nearest trashcan and started throwing my guts up.  I soon felt two hands on my shoulders and then pulling my hair back out of my face as I retched over the disgusting trashcan. 

When I knew my stomach was empty I turned around to see Ian looking at me cautiously.  “You didn’t have to do that.” I said, I couldn’t bring myself to say thank you because I just can’t stand him.

“I know.”

“Look you can go back to your tramp of the hour or whatever, I’m fine.”

“Whatever.” He said storming away.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 06, 2011 ⏰

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