Love That Remains (Book II)

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Welcome back my fellow friends, I'm back!

If you're new here, I suggest you to go read the first book of this series to understand this book because I will be bringing back some people and memories back and I don't want to leave you guys confused and stuff.

And I left the story as a cliffhanger so...

Well, here's the story you've all been waiting for. The first ever chapter of the Sequel "


 "I have an announcement to make" I said nervously looking towards my family and my other family, but catching a glimpse on Harry, he seemed confused.

"This may seem weird but..." I said dropping the microphone causing it to make a 'thump' sound that echoed the stadium. I started removing my blue contacts to show my shimmering green ones staring into the crowd. Also, taking out my hair tie revealing my curly brown and purple hair.

So far everyone in the crowd gasped at my sudden appearance.

"As I was saying.. this isn't the proper of introducing myself, the real me" I took a deep breath "Hello everyone, my name is Darcy Elizabeth Payne and-" suddenly the whole stadium turned pitch and a bang noise caused the whole stadium to go crazy.

Right when those two happened a stinging pain erupted from my chest causing me to yelp in pain and fell to the ground with so much impact on my head

"DARCY!?" I could hear my family and friends calling and searching for me but the fans made it difficult for them to hear my mumbles.

Seconds later the light went back on and everyone seemed to calm down since the screaming died down a bit thanks to the security. But started looking for me and started asking why I 'left' the stage.

Hello people, I'm on the floor. I'm not that small

With all the energy I had left, I grabbed the bloody mic that was right near my leg which started to make me dizzy but not before I called out

"Daddy" and dropped my arm with the mic hard enough to make a sound hoping someone would hear it

"DARCY NO!" Praise someone heard me, I knew that voice from anywhere. Liam, I could hear footsteps rushing towards me but I couldn't see each and every one of them. It was just a big bunch of globs moving everywhere like a Lava Lamps.

"Darcy please, stay with me. Daddy's here" I could hear Liam's voice soothing me but was interrupted by a bunch of yellow blobs (security) walking towards us holding a black figure

"We found this lady running fro the top level with a riffle. We caught her and 5 more people in this case. They will all be sent away until further notice" One the said hoisting up the lady and started walking away, not before something else happened

"WHY. THE. FUCK. DID. YOU. DO. IT?" The blob spat with so much venom in his voice, anyone could be scared from his voice

"Because she was MINE, she left me alone like the fucking bitch an-"

BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING BITCH! DONT YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO IN YOUR LIFE?" The blob, let's call him Steve. The blob Steve shouted moving around. I guess he said something to the yellow people because they left.

"Darcy are you still with me?" Liam's voice came back to view

All the energy I had left was almost gone, but he needed to know how I felt

"Liam, if anything happens just know that I love you guys no matter what and I deserve this as much as you guys" after I said that, my eyes began to feel heavy and my body suddenly felt like it was being lifted

"Darcy...Darcy please I finally got you back, don't leave me again" Liam's voice was the last thing I heard before darkness took over me for the last time.


"Liam, if anything happens just know that I love you guys no matter what and I deserve this as much as you guys" after she said that, her eyes began to close and I could feel her chest stop moving up and down

No, she cant leave like this. She still has an amazing future to live

"Darcy please..." I said shaking her gently, tears falling off my face and towards her shoulder

"DARCY! STOP PLAYING AROUND " I said shaking her shoulders like a madman

"LIAM MOVE THE AMBULANCE ARE TAKING HER NOW PLEASE." Eleanor screamed brining my view to the paramedics bringing Darcy up the gurney trying to find her pulse

"WE CANT FIND A PULSE HURRT WE NEED TO LEAVE!" One of them said hoisting her up and running towards the van.

I stood up from my position, not caring that my legs were sore. Looking at the view around me, these people that supported Darcy had to watch their inspiration tumble down the ground almost close to death. Looking towards the guys, I could see that they were all shocked with tears in their eyes. Darcy's parents bawling their eyes out just by witnessing their daughter in her weakest point. But what caught my eye was Harry.

His eyes held so much emotion, but his body held one. Anger. He grabbed the foldable chair and smashed with the other with so much strength.

"WHY! WHY HER? I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME. THIS WAS ALL MY FAULT" Harry shouted at the top of his lungs, no able to control his actions. It had to take 10 guys just to calm him down.

"Harry please" I said grabbing his shoulder which made him calm down just by a notch

"Please Harry" I said shaking him up a bit but he wasn't stopping

"FOR GOD FUCKING SAKES HARRY STOP! WE NEED TO GO TO HER NOW!" I shouted holding his shoulder with so much strength, causing him to whimper in pain and stare into my red eyes

"I'm not losing her. Not again"

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