Chapter 4

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Those two weeks passed by like it was nothing I mean come on. Those two weeks were really productive seeming how I spent most of my day with Anysia which isn't really a bother. I missed her so much, but sadly our hang out s had to cut short since she needs to go back to her job and meet up with Darcy and her 'family' back at California.

"I cant believe you're leaving me again Harry.." My mum joked sadly, tears brimming her eyes. It's really hard leaving the ones you love, especially if one of them is your Mummy.

"I promise I'll come back, but with her this time" I said confident with ever word I said to my Mum. She meant the world to me and it pains to see her like this.

"You better or else you're grounded" Mum joked one last time until my plane was about to leave

"Come on Harry we have to go now our plane to San Francisco is about to leave" Anysia said tugging at my forearm like a four year old.

"I have to go mum love you, bye Robin!" I screamed at those two and grabbed my luggage as Anysia and I ran to board the plane. Just in time we made it inside and our seats were first class of course and right next to each other.

"Please take your seats we'll be taking off in five minutes" The flight attendant said through the speaker as we sat in our seats of course I get the window seat because it's cool. Looking over at Anysia, she's staring at her phone with so much pain and sadness. Not trying to eavesdrop or anything but I took a peek at what she was looking at and it was the cutest picture I've ever saw.

There I saw a picture of her and Darcy snuggled up together on the couch with a mug, they seem so happy. The smile on Darcy face was heartbreaking to me since I could have never made her smile when she was staying with us. All I did was fuck everything up with us two and I'm not even sure I can fix it.

"She looks so happy in that picture" I mumbled to Anysia who stopped staring at her phone to stare at me. She had this look of hope in her eyes , hope that she wishes that everything will be okay.

"God I still remembered that picture like it was only weeks ago, actually it was the day before the last show. She was tellingly me how her life felt at peace but something was missing in her life. I never got to hear what she was saying since Paul called us." Anysia said turning her screen off from my view. Wow, the day right before it happened? I ruined it for her, no matter how many times I try to fix it I'll end up breaking it more into tiny pieces.

"Let's just hope she's okay..." I mumbled getting ready to sleep throughout the trip, Anysia must have saw what I was doing as she relaxed her head on my shoulder which felt perfect. Everything about her felt so perfect, but I just don't know when I'm able to actually tell her my true feelings for her. I love her ever since

"Let's just relax until we're there, something tells me that it's going to be a hectic visit" Anysia yawned cuddling closer to my shoulder. But she stood back up from my shoulders giving me a questionable look.

"You know it's weird how I told you everything about my life now, I didn't even ask you" Anysia said staring at me waiting for me to speak.

"Alright alright" I said putting my hands up as I started telling her my journey starting from the X-Factor to now where I'm being pushed to do things I don't want to do.

"And it's stupid how Management wants me to do a Publicity stunt and try to love a girl named Kendall Jenner who I have no idea who she is" I said truthfully telling her what they always want me to do, except the part where we adopted Darcy and you know the whole abuse thing.

"Isnt she that daughter of that Kris Jenner lady? Uggh seen them on tv" Anysia said making a disgusted face which made me laugh a bit. See the thing about Anysia is that she can light up any conversation and it makes me love her more. It's just that I'm not sure when to exactly tell her that I love her ever since we were kids and she smacked me with that mid pie that was stuck in my ear for the past two weeks.

Throughout the whole flight, we were reminiscing on the old days before I left. Knowing how she felt when I left and how she tried to cope without my backup in her breakup with her boyfriend Jonathan. We just kept talking until our plane landed right at SFO.

"Wow, we've been awake for the whole ride here?" Anysia said standing up and stretching her arms out plus cracking her back and neck making that weird sound.

"Yeah and I still cant get over that sound you make when you crack your back" I said making a disgusted face.

"Oh you mean this *crack* oh how about thi-"

"No please no come on let's get our bags, Paul's waiting for us and we're stopping at the Hospital first" I quickly grabbed her by the arm and went to grab our luggage which took so time since I thought I got mine, but it was actually an old lady's suitcase filled with panties. After that whole façade, we ran outside luckily no paparazzi's were there to see me since I didn't announce  to the world I left and met Paul.

"Hey Paul, how is she?" Anysia asked taking a seat in the back. I took the passenger seat waiting for Paul's response on my daughter.

"She's been in a coma for a while, the doctors said she lost so much blood and the impact of her head hitting the floor might cause some damage. It wasn't anything serious, but she should be waking up any day now and we're praying it sooner than later" Paul said starting the car and driving off to the Hospital.

Damage on what? her head? What if she forgets everything that happened? What if she forgets me? Don't think about the negatives in the situation Harry, think about how you're going to win your daughter back for the sake of your Mom having a granddaughter.

Looking at the window and seeing all the cars passing by, I wonder if I'll actually get a chance with her. My phone suddenly beeped for the first time ever since I landed, probably Mum. It wasn't my mum, it was... Louis?

Hey heard you're back from Cheshire, look I'm sorry I said all those things couples of days ago. It was my fault, but I have news for you. She's finally awake from her coma and she's looking for you.

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