Chapter 1

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As I walked the halls of school I could hear students giggling and talking behind my back. God, I wish today wasn't a monday.

"Look who's back. It's the whore" Taylor says giggling at me. I ignored her and walked by her. As I walked passed her, I was quickly thrown into a locker books scattered everywhere.

I look up to see who pushed me. It was my brother, Matt the so called "popular boy".

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay at home with that bitch we call a mother."

I pushed him off and picked my books up and walked away. I heard footsteps behind me and stopped which caused the person to bump into me making me take a step forward.

'What do you want' I signed to my brother. Yes, I am mute deal with it. "Im sorry about what I did to you back there it's just..." he paused knowing I already knew the answer.

My brother is the only one in my family who acually took care of me. My dad left us leaving my mom to be an abusive acoholic. I looked at my brother with lifeless eyes nodded and left.

I wish I could tell him how much it hurts to be like this. He doesn't know about my cutting problem since im very isolated and plan to stay like that till I die.

I made it to my class and sat down at my desk. The teacher looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I managed to fake a smile to get her away.

The bell rang and students filled the classroom. "Hello students, how was your weekend?" Our teacher asked. Full of blood and the smell of alcohol. I put my head down and listened to the students say what they did.

I looked up and raised my hand. Once I did that our teacher nodded at me. I packed my stuff and left. "Hey, how come she can leave the class and not us?" Asked, Mich the class prez.

"She has to do something very important for the principal, don't worry" my teacher lied. The prez nodded and began talking with his other friends.

I left the class and went to the nurses office. She told me to lay on my stomache to check my back. She said there was a bruise starting to form and that I should go home.

I told her no and left back to class. I sit back at my desk and listened. Well could the day get any better? Note sarcasm.

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