Chapter 8 :The Video and Midnight Phone Calls

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When Sam had said to look it up on YouTube, that is the first thing Mike did when he got home. He went on his laptop and scrolled thought YouTube. He typed in the name of the band, I can't go on, I'll go on and Bandslam.

He scrolled until he finally got to a video of a guy talking in front of a crowd. " I have seen the future and their name is I Can't go on, I'll go on!!!". As soon as the guy said that, a group of people started to come out. Mike recognized Sam because of her outfit, he noticed that she was wearing a black and white small dress while holding a flying V. The band was starting. Sam started and sang the first verses while playing the flying v. Then the other members started joining in with the keyboard and the trumpets. Through the middle of the song, it got quiet and it was just a violinist and Sam's vocals. Then the song picked up the tempo and Sam pointed to the crowd. The other members joined in and then she started clapping her hands in the air. There was a pause when the guy came to hold Sam's flying v. Sam had a microphone in her hands and started getting the crowd excited. Then, she belted out a long note while the band members continued playing. The song ended with Sam and the members throwing a rock on sign. Mike noticed that Sam was smiling at the end of the video.

That video was amazing, he thought. He figured that she was a good singer but he didn't know she was that good. Mike went on looking for more songs that she may have done with the band but, nothing came up. It must have been a one time thing then. Mike wasn't the type of person who gave up easily, he looked up the band name.

What he found was a small article that said the band signed with David Bowie around 2012. The band did not do great ever since there was a disagreement between the manger and the leader singer. "it wasn't surprising that they disagreed, they were dating at the time it happened so its not good to mix your personal life with your work life," said a member of the band. Mike looked up the picture they had of them. Mike was shocked. The manger was the guy he saw in the beginning of the video and Sam. They were smiling with their arms wrapped around each other. There wasn't another article for that year or the next one.

Then, he remembered what Sam had said about her past relationship. " How long did you guys go out?" he had asked. A year, she had said . Then she said the break up was mutual. The break up must have happened during that year because there are no other songs or articles about the band. He didn't even know the guy, but he wanted to punch him. He dare he break up with someone like Sam. He doesn't deserve her, he thought.

He didn't want to seem too eager, so he decided to wait a few minutes before calling her. He had gotten her number from her after he kept asking for it constantly. It had been a week since she arrived at their school. He felt it was appropriate to wait a week before getting her number.

He dialed her number and pressed the call button. She answered in the second ring.

"Hello?", she said questionably

"Hey, its Mike", he said. He noticed she relaxed.

" Oh, hey um, why are calling me at this time?", she said. Mike looked at his clock, he didn't realize that it was already midnight. He must have lost track of time.

" I saw the video", he said calmly. She was quiet.

" So, I see," she said

" I thought that you were great in it and that guy doesn't know what he's missing.", he said serious.

" What guy?", she said

" That manger of the band, Will. He was the guy you dated for a year", Mike said.

" How did you even find out his name?", she said angrily.

" I looked the band up and found an article about you guys", he said simply.

" That is private. Look, I lied ok. It wasn't mutual. I broke up with him because he changed after the band got signed. He became distant from me and neglected our relationship. Everything was about the band and being the best. I had enough when he missed our anniversary. He called me selfish and unsupportive about him. I broke up with him over the summer because I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired of waiting for him to change and notice that our relationship wasn't the same anymore", she said crying.

Mike just listened until she was finished. That's tough, it was one thing to have fights but to completely neglect your relationship that's another level.

" Its ok, I'm here for you", he said softly

" That's why I don't sing anymore because it reminds me of him. I loved music but then it stopped being a piece of me when we broke up.", she said.

" We still have the end of year to decide to do the performance, there's no pressure" he said comfortably.She laughed.

"Thanks, Mike", said Sam smiling

" In the meantime, you want to meet up tomorrow to work on our English project? Its Sunday said.

" Sure, that sounds good", she said softly. He smiled through the phone.

" great, I will text you where to meet up",he said.

" ok, goodnight Mike", she said.

" Goodnight, Sam", he said smiling.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He knew she was special since he first saw her. He didn't what it was about her, but he felt drawn to her.

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