Chapter 10 Which way do we go

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"Back up!" He hissed. Keeping her behind him he stepped backward until they were hidden from the approaching officers. He glanced back to see that she had shifted back to a wolf. He pressed back against the wall waiting for the men to pass by not even daring to breathe.

Seconds ticked by. Finally they officers walked past and continued down the tunnel. Hamilton waited a few more seconds then looked at Sophia.

"Hurry and switch." He pulled off the jacket dropping it to the tunnel floor then started to unbutton his shirt. "Sorry, but your gonna have to get over your modesty just for a minute." He tossed the shirt at her. It landed over her head. He started on the pants. "I'm more concerned with getting the Hell out of here."

After a moment she shifted and quickly pulled the shirt on trying to keep her back to him. He handed her the pants and reach over to unbuckle the collar. She winced away from him.

"Just put the pants on and let me get this." Hamilton growled.

She did as he asked holding her chin up while she zipped up the pants. He strapped the collar on and shifted. He was taller than she was so she had to roll the cuffs up a little. Then she pulled on the jacket and grabbed the leash. Hamilton was already zig zagging back and forth across the tunnel looking for the right scent.

When he found it, he dashed off almost pulling Sophia off her feet. He loped down one tunnel then turned and dashed down another. Then he would stop and sniff for a few moments then dash down a side tunnel. Sophia desperately just tried to keep up. She was panting when he finally stopped at the mouth to yet another side tunnel and stared into the darkness.

Hamilton's ears swiveled forward then back then forward again. His whole body tensed into a crouch. Sophia stared into the darkness. They heard a low growl raising the hair on the back of her neck. She slowly lifted the flashlight and shined it into the black abyss ahead of her.

Light reflected off of a pair of eyes. Sophia took a step back pulling the leash tight. The growl came again. Sophia backed up again but stopped when Hamilton wouldn't move. She tugged on the leash. The thing in the tunnel suddenly rushed forward. Sophia turned to run but was brought up short by the leash wrapped around her wrist.

Suddenly Hamilton was standing in front of her, his hands braced against the shoulders of Madraeus.

"Ray!" Hamilton struggled to hold the vampire back as Rami and Malcolm rushed out from the darkness.

Sophia stared at him. He looked nothing like when she had seen him in the cell and had brought him the keys. His fangs were out and his eyes were completely black.

Rami clamped a huge hand down on Madraeus' arm and pulled him back. Slowly sense returned and Madraeus frowned looking between Hamilton and Sophia.

"Hamilton?" He rasped.

"Hey, Boss." Hamilton grinned. Sophia watched him slap Rami on the back and gave Malcolm one of those Man Hugs. Madraeus looked from Hamilton to her.

"This is Sophia." Hamilton pulled her forward. "She's the one who let you out of your cage."

Madraeus looked at her closely. She tried to stay back. She was still wary of him.

"You're the little tan wolf?" he finally asked.

She nodded.

"I take it Philtzer's around then?" Rami asked.

"Yep, him, Cody and Thomas are out in the woods waiting for us to come out." Hamilton glanced back down the tunnel.

"How did you get in?" Malcolm too was watching the tunnel.

"We played dress up." Hamilton jerked a thumb at Sophia's uniform.

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