Chapter 12 Home sweet home

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Philtzer drove as legally as he could. It was possible that the police had seen Thomas' license plate were looking for them at this very moment. Time crept by as he headed for the  offices of InfiniCorp. in Downtown Denver. It was hard to go unnoticed with a naked man and two large wolves sitting in the Jeep. They got some funny looks every time they stopped at a traffic light. Finally they pulled into the underground parking garage below their building. Philtzer parked as close to the back elevator as he could.

He glanced around to make sure the area was empty. "Alright. Coast is clear."

Rami threw off the blanket and climbed out first. Malcolm and Madraeus unfolded themselves from the floor of the Jeep and crawled out stiffly. Madraeus stumbled and fell to his knees. Rami picked him up and hauled him toward the elevator.  Malcolm hurried after them desperate to get out of the light and find food.  They didn't wait for the wolves.

Thomas shifted without getting out of the back and started digging for his clothes. He pulled on his jeans then threw Philtzer his pants.

"Hey, where's mine?" Cody hung over the seat.

"You have to stay naked." Thomas grinned.

"Whatever," Cody growled as he started to climb over the seat intent on getting his clothes himself. A pair of jeans to the face stopped him. "Thanks."

A shirt flew at Philtzer and then a license plate.

"Ow." The plate bounced off his arm then clattered to the pavement.

"Sorry." Thomas' muffled voice came through the shirt that was halfway over his head.

Philtzer pulled his shirt on then went around to the back of the Jeep. He opened the rear hatch and looked at Thomas.

"You couldn't wait 'til I came back here. You just had to throw it at me."

"All doggies like catching Frisbees," Thomas grinned unrepentantly.

"This," he held up the plate, "is not a Frisbee."

"Here." Thomas handed him a screwdriver and the second plate for the front.

Philtzer shut the hatch and started to work on changing the plate. It was only a temporary fix but it would keep the cops at bay long enough for them to split town.

"How we gonna get Hamy?" Cody asked coming around the back of the Jeep.

"Well..." Philtzer finished screwing the plate on and moved around to the front of the Jeep. "I guess we'll head back up there and see if we can find them." He started unscrewing the front plate. "I told Hamy to head back toward Alma if we were separated."

"We're gonna need a different vehicle." Thomas warned as he came around to lean on the hood.

"Don't look at me," Philtzer shook his head. "My bike can't carry three people."

"Guess that leaves your pick-up." Thomas looked at Cody.

"Ah man,I just got it." Cody whined.

"So?" Thomas frowned, "It's not like we're gonna wreck it."

"Yeah. Right. I've seen your Jeep." Cody gestured to the numerous dents in the body of his old Cherokee.

"Hey, don't insult my baby." Thomas patted the hood. "I've had her a long time."

"Yeah, it's the only girlfriend he's got." Philtzer grinned up at Cody.

"Shut up," Thomas reached out with a foot and kicked Philtzer over.

He rolled back up on to his feet and picked up the old license plate that had fallen to the ground with a echoing clang.

"Come on," Thomas reached a hand down to pull him to his feet. "The sooner we get everyone back where they belong the better. Then we can blow this town."

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