Defying Gravity *A Liam Payne And Danielle Peazer Fan Fiction*

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The trees began turning the autumn colors, red, orange, and yellow. The leaves also began falling as 15 year old Liam Payne, walked down the sidewalk while on his way to school. It was the first day of high school, so he was feeling nervous as most students do when they're about to enter the ninth grade. His short brown hair blended in perfectly with the color of autumn. It's almost like he was created to be in this season. The temperature began dropping as the weather got cooler. He stuck his hands in his jean pockets as his brand new sneakers purchased exclusively for school stepped on the fallen leaves, causing them to make the somewhat annoying and scary crunching noise that always startles people in horror films.

Liam isn't like most boys that are his age. Most 15 year old boys like girls, sex, drugs, alcohol, acting cool, not giving a shit, having their pants hang below their ass. But that's not Liam at all. Liam enjoys writing, reading, and learning. He either wants to be a teacher or a writer. He actually wants to do something with his life. He wants people to know him when he dies. He wants to be famous. But he's too shy to make friends. He has none exactly. He had a best friend, Ryan. Ryan was the football captain, but because he was friends with Liam, he got bullied. Being pushed around in the hallways whenever he was seen with Liam, life was hard for the two of them because they couldn't really be seen in public together without having to worry about people talking about them behind their backs. Liam was used to being name called. He's used to being called gay, a perv, faggot. He's not any of those things. Don't get me wrong, the words bothered him and all, but he never had the courage to stand up and tell them to knock it off. So whenever someone called him a name, he just shrugged it off and moved on. But one day, the boys that picked on Liam started picking on Ryan too. Ryan's not used to being called names. He's used to hearing girls scream his name at football games. Because he was called gay so much, he stopped hanging out with Liam altogether. No phone calls, no texts, not even a greeting in the hallway. Whenever he saw Liam walking towards him, he would just turn around and walk the other way. But even though Ryan dropped Liam, the names didn't stop. Everyday he would get signs taped to his back that told people to kick him, sending his popularity crashing down. When the role of the football captain got passed on to someone else, Ryan felt that he had nothing else to live for. He left a note in Liam's locker telling him that it was his fault and that he ruined his life. And then one night, he got a phone call from Ryan's mother telling him that Ryan committed suicide last night. She had no idea why and Liam didn't have the heart to tell her, and he still hasn't to this day.

The smell of gasoline gave Liam the hint that he had arrived. One look up and he saw the ginormous building known as high school. This is where he was gonna spend the next four years of his life. Hopefully he can make the best of it. He walks forward, minding his own business, ignoring the squealing girls that finally get to see each other after a long four months. Considering Liam has no friends, no one's really looking forward to seeing him. He can hear the constant snickering of classmates talking about him as he walks but he ignores them. He's not gonna let the haters get him down. Most people are probably talking about how they're surprised that he didn't commit suicide or the fact that he basically was the cause of Ryan's death. 

"Hey faggot," one of Ryan's old team mates stares, hoping to bring Liam down.

Liam pushes the school doors open to see the blue and white colored hallway swarmed with kids, most of them trying to figure out where they have to go. He minds his business, that is, until a girl slams into him on accident.

"Watch where you're going!" She snaps, clearly believing that he bumped into her.

"Sorry," Liam mumbles before squeezing into the mob, quickly getting squished on all sides by other school children.

As the herd of students continues walking in one direction, Liam admires the school. The way every locker is painted white, then blue, white, then blue. How all the teachers are standing outside their classroom, ready to help any student in need of some guidance. Liam makes a right which leads to a hallway that eventually leads into the library. Being a boy that enjoys reading and writing, he decides to go inside, mainly because it's much less crowded than the hallways. The books are neatly aligned on the shelf and set out on display. There's no one really in the room except for the librarians and a couple students asking for directions. This will be Liam's home. The perfect place to have some alone time. Not only would he have somewhere to write because he doesn't have a typewriter or a computer at home, but he would also have a glorious selection of popular books. He could just come in, sit down, and read, not having to worry about getting kicked out like you would if you sat down and read in Wal-Mart or Target. 

He walks up and down the aisles, scanning for his favorite book, Defying Gravity. When he can't seem to find it, he quickly walks over to the computer, typing in the title of the book, and instantly getting results of where the book is located. One in stock. Perfect.......

Walking into aisle K-7, he frantically searches the shelves, looking for the book. With no luck, he begins to feel frustrated with little hope left inside him. Even though it's his favorite book, he never got to finish it. Why? Because one day Ryan came over to his house, telling Liam that he has to read Defying Gravity for his English class. Being the friend that he is, Liam lent him the book, but he never got it back. After Ryan died, his mother donated all of his stuff to Goodwill, not even bothering to look through the stuff. Ever since then, he's been desperate to find the book to finish it. And now, he finally can. 

As he's about to give up, he sees one book lying on top of the bottom row of books on the bottom shelf. Kneeling down on the ground, he pulls out the book to see that it's none other than Defying Gravity. 

A wide smile spreads across his face, making him feel successful. He pages through the book, ready to read it all over again. After he opens two pages, a small envelope falls out of the book and onto the floor. Picking it up, he notices that it doesn't have a name on it for who it's supposed to be for, but it has a name of who it's from.

"Claire Peazer........." He whispers before turning the letter over to see that it's never been opened yet.

He tears the small sticker of a teddy bear off of the envelope and opens it up to see that it's a letter. As he just stares at the letter, the question still lingered in his mind.........

Who is, or was, Claire Peazer?

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