Chapter 2

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Liam doesn't know what to think. He just found some random note to someone that he doesn't know. Is this a love letter? Or something else? His hand shakes as he begins to pull up on the sticker sealing the envelope closed and then quickly pulls away. 

No, I better not. It's none of my business, he thinks.

"Attention students! Please begin to make your way to your homerooms. The eight o' clock bell will be ringing in five minutes. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your first day back," the principal announces over the loudspeaker. 

Quickly thinking, Liam rushes to shove the note in a side pocket in his backpack. He collects his things and the book before making his way to the librarian to check out. He places the book on the counter and smiles at the middle-aged lady.

"This has always been one of my favorite books. I'm sure you will enjoy it," she smiles.

"I read some of it but never got to finish it."

"Name please?" She requests.

"Liam Payne."

"Thank you," the librarian, who's name tag reads Miss Stanley, continues typing on her keyboard, "it's due in two weeks."

"Thank you."

"Enjoy the rest of your day!" She calls as Liam proceeds out of the library.

"Thank you. You too!" He calls as he begins to quicken his pace down the hallway.

As he frantically searches for his map in his pockets, Liam was too blind to even look up to see where he was going when he suddenly bumps into a fellow student. Looking up from his fall, he realizes that he just bumped into one of Ryan's former teammates, Niall.

"Aw, hey loser. I'm so sorry for running into you like that," he laughs as he fist bumps one of his best friends, Harry.

"Whatcha got there?" Harry slyly grins.

"Excuse me," Liam mumbles, keeping his head hung low, "sorry for bumping into you."

"You should also be sorry for murdering my best friend, Ryan," Niall glares.

"I didn't-" Liam begins.

Before he has a chance to finish his sentence, Niall quickly puts his hands on Liam's chest, shoving him to the ground. He skids across the floor, gaining the attention of peers. It's not long until he realizes that Harry still has his book. Just as he lunges up to get it, his book is torn in two and dropped to the floor. His emotions suddenly boil inside of him as he feels an anger that he's never felt before. The one thing he loves in his life with all of his heart is now gone. It's destroyed.


He was in the wrong spot at the wrong time.....

He fights back the tears in his eyes as he watches the boys walk down the hallway handing out high fives and fist bumps as though they're candy. Liam picks up the pieces that have been torn out of his book as the eight o' clock bell rings. Which means, he's now late for class. And he doesn't have an excuse. He could say that he was bullied, but we all know that the teachers don't do anything to stop the bullying. They figure that if you tell someone to stop, then they will. They clearly don't realize that kids don't listen anymore because they just don't care. It seems like Liam's the only one that actually cares in this school. He actually cares about this school, about getting an education. He's eager to learn. The problem is that people judge him for that. He doesn't have a learning disability or a disability, no. He just learned his manners and how to act and how to treat people right. He wasn't raised to be an asshole unlike the rest of the boys in the school, specifically the football team.

"Is everything alright sir?" A teacher asks as he watches Liam, who's still on the floor.

"Yeah, um, just dropped my books," he lies quietly, "do you know where room C316 is?"

"Yes," he answers before turning around and pointing to the right, "go down this halway, make a right, take the flight of stairs up, make a left, there will be another flight of stairs-take those. It's the fourth door on the right."

"Thank you."

 He arrives at the door and awkwardly stands outside, waiting for the teacher to come outside and scold him for being late. Eventually opening the door, he walks inside only to get stared at as though he just murdered somebody. He hears girls in the back beginning to whisper about him as he slowly approaches the teacher as she just points to a seat for him to sit in.

"Since this is your first day, I'll let you off with a warning. If you're late again, I will have to write you up," she states, "understood?"

"Yes ma'am," he mumbles.

Liam takes a seat next to a pretty girl with brown curly hair. She smiles but refuses to make eye contact.

I haven't even met one person yet and everyone's already judging me....

"Hi, I'm Liam Payne," he greets.

"I'm Sarah Peazer."


Claire Peazer......

"A-are you related to a Claire Peazer?" Liam suddenly asks.

"Um, I don't know a Claire Peazer, but I know my older sister's name is Danielle Claire Peazer. Her middle name is Claire. I don't know why she would go by Claire. It's been years since I've seen her."

"What happened?"

"She met a guy that no one liked. Turns out he abused her and raped her but she stayed with him anyway because she knows he'd kill her. My mother told her either break up with him or leave........... So she left...... I haven't seen her since."

"How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"Eight years."

"Wow....." Liam gasps, stunned, unsure of what to say, "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," she reassures him.

"Do you miss her?"

"I do," Sarah admits, "a lot."

"Well....." Liam suggests, "do you want to find her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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