05 || harbinger

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(n.) messenger with news of the future

. . .

The project went normally. It was completely surprising since we did a lot of talking, or at least Seungkwan and Soonyoung did. The rest of us of course were in the conversation but the most memorable parts included Soonyoung and Seungkwan cracking jokes. Not even jokes, just things that made us all laugh. We were surprisingly the first group to finish and when I say surprisingly I mean I figured we'd be the last group to finish since we talk nonsense too much.

We did something differently today. Not that it was anything big but it was a huge change for me. Ready? We walked to Pledis together today. Mind blown. I didn't try to escape since I knew what would happen. Last time I was chased up the building. Minus me running because obviously I took the elevator like the dumb ass I am.

"Guess what?!" Boo Seungkwan asked in front of the small squad we had going on. Funny I was the only girl. Why am I the only girl?

"What is it?!" Soonyoung asks, just as hyped as Seungkwan.

"Our company is giving us a trip." Seungkwan smile, proud he was the one to announce it.

"Trip?" Chan shouts knowing fully aware what this meant. Trips weren't just trips. They were like boot camps but for training. Good thing I wasn't apart of Seventeen. Physical activities weren't my thing.

"Hey you do realize what this means right?" Mingyu argues bringing up the downsides to the ones who didn't know of what trips meant for trainees. "We're gonna be training like crazy."

"Yeah but that's not the point! I heard Jinhee is coming with us." I then drop my mouth wide open. Why would I be involved in this?

"The CEO took interest in you, did you not hear?" Mingyu questions, elbowing me softly as he walked right next to me.

"Me?! Why me?"

"Because you're Chan's sister, your dancing is amazing, and the trainers recommended you to come along. They said something of wanting you to help Seventeen's dancing."

"But you have me!" Soonyoung pouts.

"Ah they really like your dancing, Jinhee!" Chan explains rooting for me.

"What is my life coming to?" I ask Mingyu who was the nearest to me.

"Hey, be happy! Hundreds of people would die to be liked by their CEO." He jokes but I don't laugh. How did my dancing interest the trainers? I only danced ballad and maybe I did learn a dance that Jihoon and Soonyoung taught me the other day but that was once!

When we arrived at Pledis, Wonwoo stole Mingyu from my side and Soonyoung and Seungkwan were stolen by Seokmin. I was therefore stuck with Chan and Jihoon. Probably the most logical of the group. Now that I think about it, no wonder I was allowed to train in Seventeen's practice room. Those evil trainers were behind this all along. Therefore I had trained with Seventeen for the day until some of the vocal trainers announced the trip.

"Alright now for the news you have all been waiting for! The trip we are holding will be in three days and yes we will be going to Japan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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