I'm really happy...

49 6 14

As the title says, I'm extremely happy... And this is because of a lot of things actually.

First, my crush finally opened up to me and told me about what shit he's going through.

Second, I can trust him, referring to my crush again, to deal with my shit.

Thirdly, *Squeals and screams into a pillow.* We got on a topic of me killing myself from something I sent him. And he said that if I killed myself, he would be the hardest hit.

I figured it was cause he's been helping me through all my depressive episodes since a couple of weeks ago...

I was partially right.

Apparently... *Screams into the pillow again.* I'm sorry I'm so happy. He apparently likes me. So we had a conversation about that.

I mean, we're both socially awkward so we literally can't say things like: 'I like you.' But um. He's really fucking adorable. And I'm really happy.

I dunno if we're dating or not, we were talking about this from 11 at night to almost 1. But again, we're socially awkward so fuck.

But no. I'm really happy, and screamy. And I also want orange juice... Hm.

I love you guys! Hope you're having a wonderful day, and if not, I am always here to listen.

~Taba ^~^

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