Chapter 1

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(Dr. Carson lookalike posted above)

Belle Delladen let out a loud sigh as she walked out of school. "If I have to put up with another stupid, immature boy I'm going to lose it for good!" Her ex-boyfriend had been harassing her non-stop since they broke up three months ago and it was starting to drive her insane.

Belle was a senior in high school, who had recently turned 18. She was well known to be one of the most, if not the most attractive young lady at school. From the time she was about 14 she'd been able to detect how the boys looked at her. She tried not to be vain, but the more attention she received the more difficult it became. In the past few years she'd grown long chestnut brown hair that fell all the way to her butt when she wore it down. Her crystal blue eyes captivated any man who looked at her, even her teachers. To top it off, her competitive dancing kept her body in excellent shape, and at the conclusion of puberty she filled out a 34 DD bra.

Besides her looks however, Belle was also smart.  Her grades ensured that she would make it into college and so no one could accuse her of simply being a bimbo.  Maybe some of the boys would've liked it if she were, but that wasn't a problem at all.

Unfortunately, Belle didn't care for any of the boys at her school. Sure, some were handsome, even hot, but Belle didn't care. They were all too immature. The dark secret she kept was that there was only one man who'd ever captured her attention fully. Doctor Derek Carson.

Dr. Carson lived a few blocks away from her. Belle had been babysitting his daughter Erin for the past three years. Dr. Carson was an incredible hunk of a man. He was 32 years old and had taken over for a long running practice in town four years ago when he and his wife had moved to town.

Belle still remembered the first moment she saw Dr. Carson. She'd been riding her bike down the street to visit her friend Eva, when she'd noticed the moving truck at the large white house at the end of the block. An old retired man had lived there her entire life and she hadn't even realized that he'd passed away until she saw that another family was moving in. Curiosity had led her to linger for a few moments and see who they were.

When the doctor stepped out of the back of the moving truck with a large cardboard box in his arms Belle thought she might pass out. He was roughly 6'3" with short sandy blonde hair combed at the side. At the time, he was wearing a white beater tank top and a pair of jeans that clung tightly to his body. It gave Belle an all too ample view of his massive biceps and his perfectly toned chest. As a 14 year old girl with hormones raging, she'd instantly felt her panties moisten and pressed her ass firmly against the seat of her bike to try and quell the arousal.

Her fantasy barely had time to start developing, however, when she'd seen Mrs. Carson get out of the passenger side door of the truck, holding a baby in her arms. He's married she quickly said to herself and quickly as she could began peddling her bike again, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.

The doctor had flashed her a smile as she passed by the house, however, and it had made her insides feel like warm butter melting on a hot piece of toast. She'd daydreamed about him all day at Eva's house, and that night Dr. Carson became the subject of a very vivid fantasy. Belle had justified her thoughts, saying it was just a one-time thing to get it out of her system, but as the days and weeks passed, her one-time fantasy became somewhat of a bedtime ritual.

For the next year Belle saw Dr. Carson every now and then as she moved about the neighborhood. It was Mrs. Carson who first addressed her however, when she'd run into her pushing baby Erin in a stroller. They had had a brief conversation in which Mrs. Carson mentioned that she and the doctor were looking for a regular babysitter and Belle had gladly offered herself up. Before she knew it, Belle was at their house roughly once a month to watch Erin as Dr. Carson and his wife took a date night.

Now after three years, Belle's heart ached. Her desires for Dr. Carson had become all the more aggravated while at the same time the guilt she felt over falling for a married man festered and manifested itself in an ugly way. She'd become fairly nasty to boys who asked her out, and despite her usually calm and sweet demeanor, for the first time she'd actually been told that she was acting like a bitch.

After making the drive home. Belle had greeted her mother, then walked up the stairs to her room. She'd unbuckled her belt and slipped off her jeans, exposing her frilly pink panties then collapsed on her bed. She didn't have dance practice on Fridays and although some of her friends had asked her to hang out, she felt as though she just wanted to spend the weekend lying in bed, mulling over her misery. How was it possible to be a beautiful girl in high school and feel this dissatisfied about life?

Suddenly Belle heard her phone vibrating the pocket of her discarded jeans. Jumping from the bed, she pulled it out. Her caller I.D. notified her that it was Mrs. Carson calling. "Hello," she answered, putting the phone to her ear and flipping her long ponytail out of her face.

"Hello Belle. This is Amber Carson. Are you busy?"

"No of course not. How are you Mrs. Carson?"

"Not good," she said, tension in her voice. "My mother just had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital. It's about a four hour drive to the hospital she's at, but none of my other siblings are closer than me and the doctor says he's not sure she'll make it through the night. I have to go see her, but unfortunately Derek is dealing with a pressing appointment at work and I'm supposed to pick up Erin at daycare in about half an hour. I know it's short notice, but could you pick Erin up and then watch her until Derek gets home tonight?"

Belle gulped. Normally she'd always be excited for an excuse to see Dr. Carson, but under the circumstances she felt even guiltier about being attracted to him than usual. Plus, this would be the first time since she'd been babysitting Erin that he'd be coming home without Mrs. Carson at his side. Then again, how could she refuse such an urgent request given the news about Mrs. Carson's mother?

"Of course Mrs. Carson," Belle finally answered, "I don't have anything going on. It'll be no trouble at all."

"You're a lifesaver Belle." Mrs. Carson hung up and Belle dropped the phone on the bed.

"Oh boy," Belle said to herself. "Guess I better get ready fast." She went to her closet to pick out an outfit. She always tried to dress up a bit whenever she babysat. She told herself so that they'd think she was professional, but in the back of her mind she knew it was to impress Dr. Carson. She selected a black skirt and a pink button up sweater with a pair of short black heels. Letting her hair down, she brushed it thoroughly and then grabbed her light pink purse, slipping her phone inside.

"Mom," she called out as she headed down the stairs. "I'm going to babysit for the Carsons tonight. Mrs. Carson just called and said her mom was rushed to the hospital."

"That's awful," Belle's mother said as she rounded the corner, "how long do you think you'll be there?"

"Not sure. Mrs. Carson said that Dr. Carson has an appointment that couldn't be moved. I might not be home until pretty late."

"Well that's okay," her mother sighed. "I'm glad that you're willing to help them. You're father and I were planning on heading to the movies anyways so we probably won't be in until late either."

"Okay. Love you mom."

"Love you too dear."

Belle gave her mother a hug and then stepped out the door, wondering what the night ahead of her would hold.


Belle the Babysitter: Sexy Cliches Book 1Where stories live. Discover now