Chapter 2

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The afternoon flew by fairly quickly. Belle had picked Erin up from daycare at 4:30 PM and taken her to back to the Carson's home.

It really was a beautiful house. With three stories and a large pool and Jacuzzi in the backyard, the Carson's home was the envy of the neighborhood. Belle especially enjoyed the vast and beautiful kitchen with marble countertops. She loved cooking and the sheer size and appearance of the kitchen made her feel as though she was cooking for a king. Of course on the few occasions that Dr. Carson had eaten what she cooked she was.

Tonight she made a simple meal of macaroni and cheese for Erin, which she shared in herself. Afterwards she'd watched Erin play with her dolls and allowed her to watch some cartoons. Finally 7 PM came and Belle began preparing Erin for bed. Dr. Carson was still not home yet, and Belle wondered what sort of appointment had been keeping him.

After brushing her teeth and giving her a bath, Belle tucked Erin into bed and lulled her to sleep singing "All You Need is Love," by the Beatles. Belle knew that most people wouldn't consider that to be a lullaby, but it had always worked with Erin. Content that the little girl would be asleep until morning, Belle closed the bedroom door behind her and walked out into the hallway.

She was on the top floor. There were many rooms in the house but Belle had never really ventured beyond Erin's bedroom on this floor. She knew it wouldn't be appropriate to do so, but having no idea when Dr. Carson would get home she felt a bit curious and so she began to explore.

The hallway was lined with many photographs, some of distant relatives, but many of Doctor and Mrs. Carson. Belle couldn't help but smile as she examined some of Dr. Carson's college photos. He was just as hunky and handsome as a college jock and she imagined that the girls at his university must've been all over him. She stopped to linger on some photographs of him playing football. She knew he'd been the quarterback before going to medical school and she was impressed by how godlike he looked. Many of the photos were of high enough quality to have appeared in Sports Illustrated.

Belle's cheeks flushed red as she once again became engulfed in a fantasy. She imagined herself a cheerleader on the field in Dr. Carson's college days, dressed in a skimpy skirt and spandex top, waving her pompoms and cheering his name. Dr. Carson would turn to her as he threw a Hail Mary pass winning the game, then run to her and take her in his arms. His handsome green eyes would stare straight into hers as their lips inched towards one another's. The thought was just too perfect and Belle let out a soft moan as she folded her arms across her chest, swaying back and forth.

Moving down the hall a little ways more her eyes widened as she was drawn to another photo. This one was of Dr. Carson standing by an Olympic sized swimming pool with two other men that she imagined must've been friends or teammates. In this photo, the doctor was dressed in only a light blue speedo with a white Nike checkmark across the front. Her hands went straight to the photo, taking its frame off the wall in order to get a better look.

The photo clearly displayed Dr. Carson's godlike arms and massive chest, with six clearly defined abdominals. His muscles emanated sheer power as though they had been carved from a block of marble by Michelangelo himself. His legs were like tree trunks, but what captivated Belle the most was his crotch area. The speedo of course left nothing to the imagination and Belle could see the clearly defined outline of his penis and testicles.

Her mouth started to water. She'd always suspected that a man as hot as Dr. Carson must be gifted below the belt, but this photograph confirmed it. Even with him being soft, the speedo could barely contain the massive bulge at Dr. Carson's crotch. Belle felt her core begin to throb and her panties moisten as she continued to examine the photo. Finally she let out a sigh and placed it back on the shelf.

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