1: Ding

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I wish I could see him and I could touch him but his like an illusion to me. His a star in Hollywood and here I am in the Philippines. Just watching him singing in that stage I wish I could hold him. Yeah I'm a fan boy I'm Josh by the way, Josh Divine. It's been 10 years past that we move from London then here in the Philippines last were on Manila but my dad hates there crowded, a lot of people , smoke there smoke here, and lots of bad stuffs.

But here we are in Bacolod I'm 20 years old now yeah I'm working as a call center agent. We have money but its better that I have my own job and make some money and help them.

Yeah back to One Direction 5 of them are cute and very good looking guys but 1 guy stands up on my sight. Its Liam James Payne.

Its been years, yeah they start on X factor and continue on and on.

Here am I looking at him in the TV every time he sings my heart felt so warm and I have goosebumps all over my arms and legs.

The next one is Niall yeah I love his eyes are so catchy and the way he moves and sings his like a child that needs a lot of love and care. Next is Zayn his cool but I'm a little bit afraid of him. Next is Harry and Louise they are both awesome Harry has a very high vocal chords and Louise is just like Niall.

"Josh! Could you lower the volume a bit! I think your gonna make the house dance till it falls down." My mom called out. "Sure mom".
And to be honest my dad died a month ago he has cancer. Fought for it for us but he failed. His just the most wonderful man that love me unconditionally even I'm gay.

I open my Facebook to make a status about 1D and Twitter and tweet it too and tag to the lads I always tag them when I'm making a tweet about them especially Liam.

It reach up about 55 likes on Facebook just for a 3mins. I don't know on Twitter I close it until I hit the lock button a notification appeared a friend request on Facebook but I ignore it.


Its been 9pm I open my Facebook again. I touched the friend request icon. A named James Wayne appeared it took me a sec to confirmed him.

Go back to my news feeds. (Ding) a sound from my messenger tuned up I touch the icon the message me its the James dude.

(Messenger ---- read it like your on Messenger)

James Wayne.


Your really josh right?.


Hi I'm James by the way.

I see.

Sorry if I'm a little bit weird.

Its OK no harm done.

Cause it been years seems we
talk to people.

Ah you don't like going
outside and have some fun?

Ah never mind about those
Tell me about yourself.

Sorry James I have to go.

Ah its OK I get it your
cautious just like they said
Stranger, Danger. 😢

No its not about that
I just have to go to sleep
Its really late.

Ah sure. But can you
Promise me tomorrow
That your gonna talk to me.?

I promise. Night James 😉😃

OK good night and
Sweet dreams
I'll wait for you josh.😊😊.

------(Out from the Messenger.)

Well that was a sweet guy. I really have to go to sleep..


How is it guys. Hope you like it plss vote..


One Touch Instant Love ( Losh And Nosh Fan Fic) BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now