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Grace POV

It's Saturday. What happened yesterday? I see an empty bottle of pills on the floor. Oh. I look to my left and I see that Jared is laying in the floor. Jared? What? Did he said he loved me? Everything is flooding back and my face is getting red. I decide to check my phone to call my mom. She's out of town this week for a meeting and Elizabeth is with her. I see I have a new voicemail. Jared? He called me? I look at the time and it's 3 minutes after I called him to say goodbye. I listen to it.

"Grace Paisley Tate. Don't you dare leave me. Not now. Not ever. I love you."

Hearing those words out of someone else other than my mom makes me so happy. "I love you." Does he really?

The guy just said he loves you and you're worried about if he really does. You are an untrustworthy, insecure runt.

I get up all wobbly legged and shake Jared awake.


His eyes open. Those blue eyes.


"Come here."


"Just come here Jared."

I took his hand and led him to my bed.

"Get in."

He looks at me funny and lays down and I do too so that we are facing each other.

I whisper, "Thank you." And then roll over.

The next thing I know he's pulling me closer to him and I'm nuzzled in his chest. His cologne is so soothing. We sleep like this for awhile.

Jared POV

She's so beautiful when she's sleeping. I could stay awake listening to her breathing while she's dreaming. I kiss her on the cheek and she wakes up.

She looks up at me funny and then smiles. It's like she's not used to being held. All I have to say is she better get used to it.

"Good Morning Sunshine."

She smiles. I love her smile.

"Good Morning Jared."

I want to take her out to dinner.

"Hey I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight. Be ready at 5:30, we'll have reservations at 6:00. Well go some place fancy and then I'll take you out for ice cream."

"You're too sweet. Go on home. I've got to call up Blake to take me to the mall."

I must have a defensive look on my face because she laughs a little and says,

"Jared, I can't drive and I need a dress."

"Well I can drive you."

"NO! I don't want you to see it!!"

"Okay okay! See you at five thirty!"

I get out and go home. She can wear a dress, but what about me?

Grace POV

I could get used to having him around. He's everything I've ever wanted.

You don't deserve him.

I need to call Blake.


"Hey Grace what's up?"

"Can you take me to the mall? I need to buy a dress for my date tonight.."


He can always make me laugh!

"Haha Blake, will you just take me? Pleaseeeee?"

"Fine. See you in a few!!"

I grab my clothes and get ready when there's a honk outside. I grab my coat and sunglasses and we head out.


"Blake, I've tried on dresses for two hours and nothing looks right yet!!"

"You would look great in a brown paper bag, Grace. You can wear anything."

I give him a glare and I grab a few more not even looking anymore. Blake grabs a few and I try them on.

Too ugly. Too flashy. Way too low cut. Who would even buy this? Ew. Definitely not. Wow. I think I found one.



"Yeah let me show you!"

I walk out of the dressing room and he gasps.

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