HL-4-Learning to flirt

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 Picture of Ali on the side!! ---->


Waking up, I pulled the blanket off myself and grumbled at the coldness that hit my legs. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and started the shower jumping in, but not before I stripped myself of my clothes. Suddenly the freezing cold water jolted me awake and I quickly rushed to get the hot water running. Soon hot water hit my skin and got me to relax a bit. After washing my hair and shaving my still tan legs I jumped out and wrapped the towel around me. Grabbing my clothes I made my way out of the shower.

                “It’s about time!” My brother yelled walking out of his room. “You almost take as long as me now,” He growled. I shook my head and walked into my room shutting and locking the door. I grabbed some underwear and slipped them on and then I grabbed some nice tight skinny jeans that looked a lot like last night’s pair, but they were different. After that I looked for shirts not wanted to wear the blue shirt I put out last night, I soon decided on a dark purple top with a white cardigan over it. I then grabbed some of my new necklaces and slipped them over my head. I then went to my shoes and grabbed my new white vans. After putting socks on I put my shoes on and grabbed a different purse from yesterday, this one was equally the same size, but this one was a dark purple. With all the money I had, I not only got a lot of clothes, but many purses to go along with my outfit.

                I then moved on to my hair as I walked and sat down at my make-up desk. I looked into the huge mirror and blow dried my hair, I then clipped in my newly straightened hair extensions. I then put some mascara on and a little cover up to hide the bags under my eyes. After Tray left I went upstairs to do my homework, and didn’t fall asleep until 2am. Shaking my tired-ness out of my head and got up and walked down stairs to get an apple.

                “Morning mom.” I mumbled.

                “Morning sunshine!” She chipped. I covered my ears grumbling at her, she knew I was a night owl but she intended on being as loud as she could in the morning when I was around. “Want some food?” She asked showing me newly cooked scrambled eggs.

                “Ew,” I growled at the eggs looking away. “I’ll just have an orange.” I mumbled. I grabbed an orange from the fridge and peeled the outside peel and threw it in the trash, sitting down on a stool I stuffed my face with the juicy orange. I heard a honk outside as I was washing and drying my hands. “Who’s that?” I asked, my mother shrugged her shoulders and my phone buzzed, “Hello?” I asked into the phone.

                “Get outside! I don’t want to be late! Don’t forget my cookie!” Ash yelled into the phone before hanging up. I nodded my head towards no one really and grabbed a cookie from the cookie jar. Slipping it in a plastic bag I said my goodbyes and ran out the door. I smiled at Ashley’s car, it was a dark purple mini cupper, we both loved mini cars. I jumped in and looked around. “Ashley is skipping school, there’s a test in Math and she doesn’t want to take it, hand over my cookie.” Ash said smiling at me. “Good morning by the way, I love your outfit.” She smiled showing her pearly whites as I gave her my cookie.

                “Why aren’t you skipping? Don’t you both do everything together?” I asked bulking up.

                “No, for one we don’t do everything together. Actually we are kind of falling apart, don’t tell her I told you this, but I mean, she is skipping way too much. And I’m starting to focused on college more, I need to get a scholarship or my parents will kill me. The only reason they aren’t pushing Ashley is because she isn’t there real child, and she is already off the handle, did you know she smokes now? I was so angry when I found out.” She growled. Soon we pulled up into the school and parked in the front parking spots.

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