Play Date

59 3 0

"I don't give a fuck about you anyway. Whoever said I gave a shit about you?"

I drummed my slender fingers on my worn jeans as I peered out of the bus window. 

The previously abundant trees,bushes, flowers, or whatever other type of photosynthetic organism I could make out from the grimy window were slowly losing their colors and their coverage from the blistering sun. They were in transition into the widely loved autumn.

Personally, winter is my favorite season.  The whole staying inside away from idiots while getting in extra needed hours of sleep under piles of adequate blankets really resonates with my heart.

As Melanie switched to the next song after "Play date" more kids piled onto the already crowded bus. Some unlucky   students that were too slow for their own good ended up standing in the aisle wobbling and bumping into the seated like a bunch of drunkards.

I felt a dip in my seat as someone sat down. The person hesitantly looked my way. He gave a scared half smile. I gave him my signature death glare.

"I-is this s-seat taken?"

I feigned deep thought while slowly cracking my knuckles. He visibly gulped.

"Do you want me to punch you that desperately? Because that is what you are asking for."

Not even a millisecond passed before the kid bolted out of the space to the very front of the vehicle farthest away from me and my threats.

I casually brushed my hand through my dark chestnut hair and exhaled. I let "Starring Role" by Martina and The Diamonds flow through my veins. Sometimes, listening to music was the only way to refrain myself from strangling every single one of these twerps.

The plant growth started to become scarce. My eyes landed on the greeting sign of my school that was highlighted by the blinding rays of the sun.

Charleston High School

The bear statue stood tall against the plain school. Kids milled around it careful not to make contact with it. Doing so would result in bad luck for 5 years. I scoffed. People are idiots to actually believe that.

I tucked my phone carefully into my faded shoulder bag and slid to the end of my seat. As the bus stopped, I growled at the people in front of me warning them to stay put. They obeyed.
I left first. Fear has a way of controlling people like that. I used this knowledge to my full advantage.

The students walking around in the school yard kept their gazes low and walked faster with their friends clutched to their sides. I have become aware that they act like this only when my presence is made. I felt power surge through my limbs.  I really like having this type of death grip over them.


I took a leisure stroll down the cluttered hallways in search of my first target of the day. I narrowed my eyes as I spotted her. It appeared that she was already having an awful day. She was crouched on the school tiles leaning against the chipping grey lockers. She was clutching a letter to her chest. She had tear stains on her cheeks. I prowled towards her.

I made a faux sympathetic face.

"Someone get dumped today?"

She peered up through her darkened eyelashes. She hiccuped.

"Yeah. Through this." She waved the slightly crumbled notebook paper.

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