Chapter 1.

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*Ella's POV*

 "Ella! Get down stairs now! yopur going to be late for school!"Why did i have to go to school today? today is my 18th birthday so i can legally do what ever i want. But i didnt want to push my luck with my mom today. She has been a little bit on edge lately since my father left us for his twenty-something whore of a girlfriend and i was hoping to go to the One Direction signing to day for my birthday."Fat chance." I thought bitterly. My mom hates big crowds which is ironic sinse we live in New York City. i groaned and rolled out of bed throwing on my favorite Jack Wills hoddie and a pair of skinney jeans. .(this is what Ella is wearing ) I'm a plain girl. Somewhat of a tom boy. i dont particularly like wearing make-up or doing my hair, which drove my mother crazy. i was the only girl of 4 older brothers. my mother was thrilled when she found out she was finally going to have a baby girl, but, like i said, growing up with 4 older brothers it was either learn to fight or get spit on. So todays outfit of choice is perdictable. Just like the fact that no boy is going to talk to me and the only friend I'll have is my bestfriend, Izzy.

Izzy and I have been bestfriends since before we could walk. I dont know what i would do with out her. she has long, beautiful, silky blond hair, unlike my brown, wavy, average hair, peircing blue eys, unlike my dull green ones, and was a hit with the guys, also unlike me. It is really amazing how differant Iz and I were sometime and still remained bestfriends. She completes me. She's the wild to my calm. The crazy to my cautious. The Larry to my Stylenson.

I finish getting ready and make my way down stairs to find my mom has made me a birthday breakfast

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she yells with excitment.

"mom," i start, "you really didnt have to do this."

"Its your birthday and i wanted to. Now sit and eat or you'll be late." she said. "So any plans tonight?" my mother asked cautiously.

"I was just going to go to Izzy's like ususall." i told her.

"well you and Izzy are going to the One Direction signing!" she said excitedly. "I pulled some strings with an old high school friend who is working security. you get to talk with them before the signing even!"

Oh. My. Gosh. Did she just say what i thik she said? was i still dreaming? was my one birthday wish coming true?

"Ella? Are you ok?" she asked.

"OH MY GOSH THIS IS THE BEST PRESENT EVER MOM!" I hugged her tightly and ran out the door, eager to tell Iz the good news. this day was never going to end

A/N: ok so this is just the begining! The boys come into the story the next chapter. Please tell me what you think :) Vote/Share for more!! :)

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