Chapter 12

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*Ella’s POV*

Zayn was still. I could hear the soft beep of machines as I slowly walked over to the side of his bed where Liam and Niall were quietly talking. His face, his beautiful face was covered in bruises and cuts and his lip was split open. My eyes traveled down his body and stopped on the brace that covered his torso. I could feel the tears coming freely as I took his hand in mine and sat down. Harry walked into the room and put his hand on my shoulder reassuringly and tried to tell me everything was going to be alright. “HOW?” I wanted to scream at him. How could this possible be alright? Zayn still hadn’t woken up and the doctors think its because his body has gone into shock from the accident. I don’t know how long I stayed there holding his hand, but all of a sudden Harry picks me up and carried me out of the room.

“What are you doing?!” I yelled impatiently as I tried to wrestle out of his grip.

“Ella, you’ve been in there all day. You need a break and you need food.” Still carrying me he walked over the elevator. This was the first time I had really looked at Harry since the accident. His normally glossy curls were dull and frizzy and he had large circles under his eyes.

“I think you’re the one who needs a break.” I told him as he put me down. “You look exhausted. Have you been here the whole time?”

“Uh yeah.” He answered awkwardly.

“Harry! You’ve been here three days with no sleep?” I asked him.

“I needed to make sure you and Zayn were okay. Zayn is one of my best mates and I can’t leave without knowing he’ll be alright. And Ella what will happen to you if he’s not? I need to be here, for Zayn AND you.” He told me somewhat sharply.

“NO! don’t say that. Zayn will be fine! I need to believe that right now.” We stepped out of the elevator and ran into Niall and Iz.

“Good,” Niall started. “You finally got her to move.”

“Actually it was against my own will.” I said bitterly. “Now can we please get something to eat so I can go back to Zayn?”

“Come on. Niall and I were just about to go to the cafeteria. AGAIN!” Izzy nudged Niall in the ribs and he laughed.

“Iz, you and Harry go ahead. I want to talk to Ella.” Niall told Izzy

“Everything alright Niall?” I asked when Izzy and Harry were walking away.

“Everything is okay. Well I hope so.” He said.

“Is everything okay between you and Iz?” I had no idea what this was about.

“Its great with me and Iz!” he told me happily. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. Ella, Harry like you. A lot. More than he lets us know. I felt I should tell you because…. Well because I thought you needed to know. Please try to stay away from him. Don’t make it harder on him than it needs to be.

“Wait, what?” I asked in astonishment. “Harry doesn’t like me. And anyway I’m with Zayn!”

“That’s why he’s not going to make a move. He values his friendship to much.” Niall said.

“Can we just go?” I moaned. “This is just too much to think about right now.”

“I understand.” Niall said. He put his arm over my shoulders and I did the same as we walked to the cafeteria.


Every time Harry looked at me it became awkward. After I talked to Niall, it made sense why Harry was beening so nice to me all of a sudden. He felt he could be the one to replace Zayn if, god forbid, something happens to him. Harry was asleep on the chair in the room, Liam and Lou were taking outside, and Niall and Izzy had stayed in the cafeteria. I sat by Zayn’s bed and held his hand. I talked to him a bit too. I told him how much I loved him and that he was my everything. Somewhere between that I fell asleep. I woke up to a groaning sound.

“Harry, be quiet! I’m trying to sleep!” I muttered. My eyes still shut.

“Ella?” a soft voice asked.

My eyes snapped open.


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