1. Highschool

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Here it is, my first day of highschool as being a sophomore. I'm totally not ready, were not even in the same school as last year. I'm not like the other girls, I have brown curly hair, I'm 5'2, I have blue eyes, my boobs and butt aren't that big, and I have an idiot brother who just so happens to be my twin.

I walked into school expecting the worse but I was surprised. I was greeted at the highschool entrance by my idiot brother welcoming me to the school like he had been there before. I just completely ignored him and walked on by so of course he followed me to my locker. "Why are you ignoring me Taylor?" He asked while taking deep breaths from 'walking too fast' "Because we already look enough alike I don't need it to be noticeable John." I told him after awhile of his heavy breaths in my ear. He scoffed and murured "Yeah, that's bad for me," with that he walked off leaving me to myself. I headed to my locker to get my supplies for my first class, chemistry. Finding my locker was a total mess, a lot of football players were around my locker. What were they doing there? I just ignored them and headed to my locker, right next to my locker there was someone standing.. I couldn't tell who it was until I got close enough and I only saw their back part. From what I saw he looked bulky, about 6'2, and blonde. Ignoring him, I just went to my locker and got what I needed but as soon as my lock made that click, notifying my that it had opened, he turned around. He had hazel eyes and blonde flippy hair, he didn't seem stuck up or a popular, he seemed.. Average. He turned around and looked at me, he must have thought I was one of his friends for a second because he said "Hey man, how's it goi-" than stopped before he could finish. After he realized what he said he looked down and touched my shoulder and apologized for saying what he said and not realizing I wasn't who he thought I was. "Well sorry about that, my names Aaron," he held out his hand for me to shake, I gladly accepted. "Taylor, I'm Taylor." I told him shaking his hand back. "So are you new here?" "Yeah, how could you tell?" I asked gripping my books. "You just seemed really scared when I talked to you, like I was important. Don't worry, I'm not as important as you think I am." "Everyone is important," I said assuring him. "Yeah, well that's hard to believe when you're the laughing stock of the school. Anyways, what class you going to?" "Chemistry," I have no idea where that's at. "You know where that's at?" "Not at all," I said trying to laugh it off. He laughed as well than spoke "Well, would you like me to guide you there?" "If you don't mind," I then shut my locker and followed him. "Now, I have math right now which is a couple hallways over, but if you need anything here's my number," he then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his number on it then handing it to me. "Thank you," I accepted the piece of paper. "We're almost to your class," he told me while checking the room numbers. "Ahh, here we are. Mrs. Engelhart, have fun." "I don't think any class could be fun but thank you and I'll text you after class for more directions, if that's fine." "Well I didn't give you my number for the hell of it," we both laughed and said bye to each other. I watched as he walked away than walked into my class and sat down in the only seat I saw available because I had been a little late to class. I grabbed my navy green bag and swung it on top of my desk pulling out my binder, notebook, plenty of pencils, and a sharpener. I wondered where my brother was and how much trouble he's already gotten himself into today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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