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so i heard The kim namjoon
was gonna be on your flight ;))

be a normal person nd wish
me a good flight u sasaeng??

i aM normal wym :) have a safe
flight and use protection so namjoon
doesnt get the rat std

sojung rolled her eyes and shoved her phone in the pocket of her joggers when she arrived at her row, thanking the flight attendant as she offered to put up her carry-on; eyes quickly scanning the platinum name tag that read "alice" in pretty cursive letters to call her.

as she sat down in the uncomfortable plane seat that was designed with blue fabric — which was tearing and starting to send out a strange smell — she couldn't help but overhear hushed whispers of a group of flight attendants a few feet away from her,

"i heard he demanded a new seat out of first class apparently because his daughter's mother unexpectedly sent her to go back with him to korea— at least so i heard"

"he has a daughter?"

"rumor has it that his daughter's mother, or mistress, is one of his ex-stylists or one of his ex-managers..."

"the fu-"

"keep your voices down idiots, there's people around us-"

sojung shook her head, mumbling to herself how eunbi would have gone on a rant if she found out 'the kim namjoon' (as she would say it) had a child without the public finding out, moreover having an affair with someone within his company.

"ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 56B9 with service from los angles to seoul..."

she listened closely to the directions even though she's probably memorized them being a-

"excuse me ma'am, is this seat taken?" a very tall and pale flight attendant asked sojung, motioning to the two empty seats next to her. besides the attendant there was a man with tan skin, slanted eyes, and silver hair. there was a little boy next to him. he looked almost exactly like him, just with black hair and maybe a different nose? or maybe the lips? i don't know but....

"oh no! not at all," sojung scrambled to move her journal and book to free space. "go ahead."

"thank you ma'am. go ahead and sit sir, i'm so sorry for the difficulti-"

he cut her off and pulled the little boy to the middle seat. "yeah, i know."

'rude much...' sojung thought, not realizing she said it out loud.

loud enough.

for everyone to hear.

"excuse me?"

'mmm good going sojung!' she thought. "i'm sorry i didn't mea-"

"hey!" a little voice intervened, sitting next to sojung. "don't talk to my daddy like that!"

sojung stared at the boy who now had his little lip poking out and arms crossed as a pout.

oh gosh how cute....

"mingi... don't talk to her please, she's a mean old ahjumma" his father (apparently) said, mimicking the same pose as his son. just a more serious and silly looking one.

"oh okay..." mingi whispered. he dropped his pout and blew some air.

it was quiet after that as they listened to the rest of instructions and then they took off. the flight was smooth after that, though sojung couldn't help but overhear a conversation between the man and 'mingi' when they were eating.

"appa.... why isn't mina here? is it because you're n...n-na-namjoon?" he struggled over his father's name.

'father's nameoh. but who's mina....'

"shhh.... of course not baby, mommy just wants to hang out with mina more. though, daddy's been lonely so you get to hang out with him. but i promise you'll see mina soon, okay?" namjoon assured him, sounding annoyed more than sympathetic.

and so it went on from that. it was currently 1am, and nearly everyone was sound asleep, including namjoon.

sojung was tired to say the least. she had ziont blasting in her earphones, and was ready to crash. she was in a group chat with eunbi, who of course grilled everything about namjoon out of her. except sojung left out one tiny tiny tiny detail.

he has a son and may or may not have a daughter?

sojung didn't care that much though. she close her eyes and started counting to sleep.

she didn't even reach 10 when a very unhappy baby ripped out her earbuds and started clinging to her arm crying in hysterics.

wowowow IM ALIVE (: this is suckish and not proofread but i wanted to update this so!!

AND DONT THINK WRONG WHEN HE SAYS DADDY some of yall need a bible as a fanfic

sweet dreams / kim namjoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora